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What to know about a low-protein diet

What to know about a low-protein diet

A low-protein diet puts less strain on the kidneys. As a result, this type of diet can benefit people with kidney-related disorders, such as kidney disease or phenylketonuria. When a person eats protein, the body produces a compound called urea. If the kidneys are not functioning well, urea can build up in the blood and […]

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Can a hot toddy help with a cold?

Can a hot toddy help with a cold?

Many people believe in the healing abilities of a hot toddy for colds and flu, but does this popular home remedy work? A hot toddy is a mixture of hot water, honey, lemon, and whiskey. Some of these ingredients may have beneficial effects, but research has not looked specifically at the effectiveness of hot toddies […]

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A guide to low-carb diets for diabetes

A guide to low-carb diets for diabetes

A low-carb diet can help people with diabetes better manage their blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates or carbs raise blood glucose more than other foods, meaning the body must produce more insulin to digest them. Reducing carb intake can help stabilize blood glucose. It may also counteract some other effects of diabetes, such as weight gain […]

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What foods reduce testosterone?

What foods reduce testosterone?

Some foods, including soy, dairy, and specific fats, may lower testosterone levels in the body. However, a person can also increase testosterone levels naturally, by exercising regularly and maintaining a healthful weight. The food a person eats can affect many aspects of their health, not just their waistline. Food powers the cells and may affect […]

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What to know about omega-3 fatty acids

What to know about omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are present in foods and dietary supplements. They help keep the membranes that surround all cells in the body working well. There are three types of omega-3 fatty acid: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) ALA is mostly present in plant oils, such as chia seeds, flaxseeds, and walnuts. […]

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How whole-grain rye consumption can improve gut health

How whole-grain rye consumption can improve gut health

Researchers know that whole grains are good for health, but the mechanisms at play remain unclear. However, a recent study in humans and mouse models now shows just how certain whole grains help regulate gut health. Those who eat whole-grain rye bread have lower blood serotonin levels. What does this mean? Studies from the past […]

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What to know about calories and body fat

What to know about calories and body fat

In relation to food and the body, calories are units of energy that allow the body to work. Food provides this energy, some of which the body stores and some of which it uses. As the body breaks down food, it releases calories as energy. Max Wishnofsky first propagated the concept that there are approximately […]

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How can I eat a low-calorie diet as a vegan?

How can I eat a low-calorie diet as a vegan?

The most filling and healthful foods tend to be high in protein, fiber, or both. These two nutrients promote satiety, which is the feeling of fullness. Legumes and soy-based products are examples of foods that are high in protein and fiber, while fibrous, fat-rich foods, such as avocado and almonds, also promote satiety. The satiety […]

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How long you can live without water

How long you can live without water

The human body needs a lot of water to function correctly, and a person may only survive a few days without it. Many other factors, such as a person’s activity levels and their environment, also play an essential role, so there is no reliable way to tell how quickly someone would die from dehydration. Dehydration […]