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Are there carbs in popcorn?

Are there carbs in popcorn?

Popcorn contains carbohydrates. If a person is following a low-carbohydrate diet, they will need to consider how many carbs they have already eaten or intend to eat that day before consuming popcorn. Popcorn is relatively high in carbohydrates, but this does not mean it is unhealthful. Popcorn is fine to eat as part of a […]

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To control blood sugar, set strict meal times

To control blood sugar, set strict meal times

A new small-scale study has found that men at risk of developing type 2 diabetes could benefit from eating all their meals within a restricted 9-hour time frame. Doing so, even without changing other dietary habits, can help keep blood sugar levels under control, the research suggests. Could glucose control relate more to when you […]

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How to calculate the calories a person burns while sleeping

How to calculate the calories a person burns while sleeping

The body continues to burn calories during sleep to sustain life and essential bodily functions. A person can use a specific formula to estimate how many calories they burn at night. Even when resting and sleeping, the body requires a constant source of energy to maintain a wide range of metabolic processes. Many different factors […]

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What are the best foods for vitamin C?

What are the best foods for vitamin C?

Fruits and vegetables are the best food sources of vitamin C. Eating a variety of these healthful foods will help people meet their daily requirements. Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, plays many important roles in the body. In particular, it is key to the immune system, helping prevent infections and fight disease. The human […]

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What to know about potassium deficiency symptoms

What to know about potassium deficiency symptoms

Potassium deficiency can occur if a person does not get enough potassium from their diet or loses too much potassium through prolonged diarrhea or vomiting. The symptoms depend on the severity of the deficiency but can include high blood pressure, constipation, kidney problems, muscle weakness, fatigue, and heart issues. Potassium is an essential nutrient that […]

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What to know about vitamin K-2

What to know about vitamin K-2

Vitamin K is an essential vitamin that supports blood clotting and healthy bones. It occurs in two forms, K-1 and K-2. Vitamin K-1 is the primary form, and it mainly comes from leafy green vegetables. Vitamin K-2 occurs in animal proteins and fermented foods. The bacteria in the human gut also produce small quantities of […]

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How stress eating might prime the body to store fat

How stress eating might prime the body to store fat

Using a mouse model, researchers discovered that insulin controls a molecular pathway in the brain that activates during stress and leads to more weight gain. New research explains why eating high-calorie foods when stressed may lead to more significant weight gain. Researchers have long been aware that stress can lead to addiction and increase the […]

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Which meals are low in carbs?

Which meals are low in carbs?

A low-carb meal contains very few carbohydrates and is instead made up mostly of protein and fats. A low-carb diet can help people with diabetes manage their condition or help people lose or maintain weight more effectively. Examples of low-carb foods include: meat and poultry fish nonstarchy vegetables, including leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables, such […]

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What are the health benefits of buckwheat?

What are the health benefits of buckwheat?

Buckwheat is a highly nutritious whole grain that many people consider to be a superfood. Among its health benefits, buckwheat may improve heart health, promote weight loss, and help manage diabetes. Buckwheat is a good source of protein, fiber, and energy. Buckwheat does not contain gluten, so for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerances, […]

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What is the GAPS diet? A complete overview

What is the GAPS diet? A complete overview

The GAPS diet theory says that eliminating certain foods, such as grains and sugars, can help people treat conditions that affect the brain, such as autism and dyslexia. The term “GAPS” stands for “gut and psychology syndrome.” The GAPS diet follows the notion that gut health is linked with overall physical and mental health. In […]