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Recommended sugar intake: How much should you have per day?

Recommended sugar intake: How much should you have per day?

The average person in the United States consumes around 17 teaspoons, or 71.14 grams, of added sugar per day, which far exceeds recommended limits. A gram (g) of sugar contains about 4 calories, which means that many people consume almost 270 calories a day from added sugar alone. People sometimes describe calories from sugar as […]

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The Mediterranean diet can boost athletic performance in just 4 days

The Mediterranean diet can boost athletic performance in just 4 days

New research, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, finds that adhering to the Mediterranean diet for just 4 days is enough to boost exercise performance. Sticking to a mainly plant-based Mediterranean diet could do wonders for our ability to exercise. The Mediterranean diet offers a range of benefits, from cardioprotective effects […]

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What to know about the lemon detox diet

What to know about the lemon detox diet

The lemon detox diet involves consuming just a lemon juice-based mixture for 1 or 2 weeks, with no solid foods. The diet aims to remove toxins and cleanse the body. However, scientists have found no evidence to support these claims, and the diet may be harmful in some cases. The concept of a detox originates […]

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Can I safely lose weight during pregnancy?

Can I safely lose weight during pregnancy?

Weight gain is a natural part of pregnancy. Women who were overweight before becoming pregnant may worry about how this could affect their pregnancy and wonder whether it is safe to lose weight at this time. As the baby grows and the woman’s body changes, she will naturally gain weight during pregnancy. Increases in blood […]

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What are the proven benefits of dragon fruit?

What are the proven benefits of dragon fruit?

Dragon fruit is the fruit of a variety of cactus species. It has a unique appearance, sweet taste, and crunchy texture. The dragon fruit contains multiple antioxidants that are beneficial for good health. Dragon fruit also contains many vitamins and minerals that are important for a healthy body. According to the United States Department of […]

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18 ways to get a flat stomach

18 ways to get a flat stomach

Many people with excess body weight carry fat around their midsection. This fat is a risk factor for many different health conditions, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Fat around the belly can be challenging to lose. Even with diet and exercise, it can often be the last part of the body to slim […]

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Are black walnuts good for you?

Are black walnuts good for you?

People use black walnuts in cooking because they have great flavor and crunch. Black walnuts are also high in anti-inflammatory compounds, so supplement manufacturers sell the extract as a pill. Black walnuts contain three main components that make them beneficial when consumed – antioxidants, polyunsaturated fats, and phenolic compounds. The walnuts also contain a range […]

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How to treat a cold or flu at home

How to treat a cold or flu at home

Viruses are responsible for colds and flu, so antibiotics are not able to cure or prevent these illnesses. Plenty of rest, fluids, and home remedies can help relieve symptoms. Colds and the flu are common illnesses that can cause many uncomfortable symptoms, such as: The following home remedies may help prevent illness, reduce symptoms, and […]

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The key to weight loss: ‘Log often, lose more’

The key to weight loss: ‘Log often, lose more’

Many people consider logging everything that they eat to be a tedious task. However, this effective weight-loss technique takes much less time than most people think, according to a recent study. Tracking what you eat more regularly appears to increase weight loss. Obesity is now a common health issue. According to the Centers for Disease […]