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Causes and treatments for hair loss

Causes and treatments for hair loss

Possible causes of hair loss include: 1. Androgenetic alopecia Share on PinterestPossible causes of hair loss include androgenetic alopecia, pregnancy, and telogen effluvium. Androgenetic alopecia is another term for male or female pattern baldness. It is a very common cause of hair loss. Both male and female pattern baldness is genetic. Males tend to lose […]

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Tips and more to help curb binge eating

Tips and more to help curb binge eating

Binge eating is the consumption of a large amount of food in a short time. A person who binge eats may feel unable to control the type or amount of food that they eat. Binge eating can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and depression. People who binge eat at least once a week for […]

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CDC: Salmonella outbreak linked to ground beef

CDC: Salmonella outbreak linked to ground beef

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), they are investigating a series of Salmonella Dublin infections associated with ground beef. Share on PinterestGround beef appears to be the source of a recent Salmonella outbreak. So far, the CDC have received notification of 10 cases of infection caused by Salmonella Dublin. The cases […]

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Hip external rotation: Stretches, exercises, and more

Hip external rotation: Stretches, exercises, and more

The hips are the central pivot point of the entire body, supporting its weight during movement and when standing. The hips also enable people to lift their feet or reach toward the ground. External rotation of the hip is when the thigh and knee rotate outward, away from the body. Actions that use external hip […]

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Which supplements can help with neuropathy?

Which supplements can help with neuropathy?

Neuropathy is nerve damage that often occurs in people with diabetes and as a side effect of chemotherapy. Although lifestyle changes and conventional treatments may ease symptoms of neuropathy, supplements may also help. Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include: tingling in the affected part of the body a burning sensation feeling pain from light touch experiencing […]

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Should you work out when sore?

Should you work out when sore?

Exercise is great for overall health and fitness, but it can sometimes lead to a person feeling sore. This soreness may appear during the workout, or it may come on a day or two afterward. Generally, soreness due to exercising is not a cause for concern, and people can often continue to do physical activity. […]

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Letter from the Editor: Getting into the spirit

Letter from the Editor: Getting into the spirit

It’s 4.30 p.m. as I’m writing this. Here in Brighton, United Kingdom — home to Medical News Today‘s editorial office — the cold, dark nights are already drawing in. The MNT team had fun creating some jack-o’-lanterns for Halloween. However, despite the weather being far from cheerful, there’s something quite glorious about this time of […]

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Coffee drinkers have healthier gut microbiotas

Coffee drinkers have healthier gut microbiotas

New research suggests that heavy coffee drinkers have healthier compositions of bacteria in their guts. New research sheds light on the effect of coffee on the gut microbiota. More and more research is unpacking the health benefits of drinking coffee. Drinking just one cup may fight off unhealthy fat, ease inflammation associated with obesity, or […]

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Exercising before breakfast may be most healthful choice

Exercising before breakfast may be most healthful choice

Figuring out when to exercise could be just as important as the exercise itself, according to new research on the relationship between meal times and workouts. Share on PinterestNew research suggests that working out before breakfast has ‘profound’ health benefits. Some studies suggest that the effectiveness of exercise may be tied to when a person […]