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What are the benefits of royal jelly?

What are the benefits of royal jelly?

Royal jelly is a creamy white substance with a high nutrient content that young bees make to feed queen bee larvae. There are claims that it offers a range of health benefits, such as easing the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and supporting wound healing. Royal jelly is highly nutritious and may have antibacterial, antioxidant, and […]

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Is there a link between garlic and HIV?

Is there a link between garlic and HIV?

Garlic is a common ingredient that may lower blood pressure and reduce a person’s risk of certain types of cancers. However, what does the research say what about garlic and HIV? Can consuming garlic help people with HIV, or does it cause more harm? The main compound in garlic is allicin. Garlic also contains other […]

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What dictates how vitamin E supplements affect cancer risk?

What dictates how vitamin E supplements affect cancer risk?

There is a longstanding debate as to whether taking vitamin E supplements increases or decreases a person’s risk of developing cancer. A new study suggests that both outcomes are a possibility and also explains why. What influences vitamin E’s effect on cancer risk? A new study investigates. Many people believe that taking supplements can improve […]

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Remedios caseros para la vaginosis bacteriana

Remedios caseros para la vaginosis bacteriana

La vaginosis bacteriana es la infección vaginal más común. ¿De qué manera pueden las mujeres tratar esta enfermedad en casa? Hasta 1 de cada 4 mujeres en los Estados Unidos tienen vaginosis bacteriana (VB). Muchas no tienen síntomas y algunas los confunden con otra infección, como una candidiasis. El síntoma más común de la VB […]

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Cinco remedios caseros para tratar el pie de atleta

Cinco remedios caseros para tratar el pie de atleta

El pie de atleta es un problema cutáneo bastante frecuente que aparece en la zona de los pies debido a un hongo. Aunque rara vez es grave, sus síntomas pueden ser molestos. Los remedios caseros pueden ser bastante efectivos para tratar muchos casos de pie de atleta. Algunos de estos remedios pueden estar fácilmente disponibles […]

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Trece remedios caseros y naturales para los cálculos renales

Trece remedios caseros y naturales para los cálculos renales

Los cálculos renales son depósitos duros que se forman en los riñones. Los cálculos tienen que viajar a través del tracto urinario para salir del cuerpo, lo que se conoce como la eliminación de los cálculos renales, algo que puede resultar bastante doloroso. La mayoría de los casos de cálculos renales se pueden tratar con […]

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Kratom: Everything you need to know

Kratom: Everything you need to know

Kratom is a plant that grows in Southeast Asia. Its leaves have psychotropic and opioid-like pain-relieving effects. People living in areas where kratom grows sometimes use it to treat diarrhea, pain, cough, and fatigue. People living in the United States have shown increasing interest in using this substance as an alternative to opioid pain relievers. […]

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Gargling hydrogen peroxide: Benefits and how-to

Gargling hydrogen peroxide: Benefits and how-to

Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic frequently used to clean minor cuts or disinfect surfaces. Due to its versatility, hydrogen peroxide is a staple in many medicine cabinets and first aid kits, and it is readily available at most drug stores. Some people gargle with hydrogen peroxide to benefit from its cleansing properties. The liquid contains […]

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Does L-theanine have health benefits?

Does L-theanine have health benefits?

L-theanine is a compound that occurs naturally in green tea and black tea, and it is also available in supplement form. Research suggests that L-theanine might provide a range of health benefits, which may include improved mental focus and better sleep quality. This article provides an overview of L-theanine, including its potential benefits and risks […]