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What are the benefits of CoQ10?

What are the benefits of CoQ10?

Coenzyme Q10 is an essential chemical that the body produces naturally. A deficiency of this chemical can have adverse effects, and coenzyme Q10 supplements may offer health benefits. In this article, we discuss the health benefits and risks of taking coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) supplements. What to know about CoQ10 CoQ10 is a naturally produced chemical […]

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10 health benefits of dandelion

10 health benefits of dandelion

Contrary to popular belief, dandelions are not just pesky garden weeds. They may have some health benefits. In fact, people have used the plant to help treat ailments for several centuries. In this article, learn more about dandelion and 10 of its possible health benefits. We also cover how to use it and possible side […]

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Spirulina: Could eating these bacteria reduce blood pressure?

Spirulina: Could eating these bacteria reduce blood pressure?

According to a recent study, spirulina may help to reduce blood pressure. The researchers also identify the active compound that produces this benefit. Spirulina, which is available as a tablet, is widely used as a supplement. As the supplement movement shifts into top gear, researchers are examining a range of nutritional ingredients for their potential […]

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Does Hydroxycut work for weight loss?

Does Hydroxycut work for weight loss?

In an effort to lose excess weight, many people look toward supplements for a quick and easy fix. Weight loss supplements, including Hydroxycut, often claim they will produce dramatic results in a short amount of time. However, as with any weight loss supplement, a person should question whether or not it works. In this article, […]

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What are the health benefits of aloe vera juice?

What are the health benefits of aloe vera juice?

Aloe vera is a plant species with several medicinal and nutritional uses. The plant has green, gel-filled leaves. Many people use the gel to treat burns and wounds, and it is also available as juice. Aloe vera juice is a popular choice at many health food cafes and natural food stores. In this article, learn […]

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What are the benefits of petroleum jelly?

What are the benefits of petroleum jelly?

Petroleum jelly is a thick, waxy paste that many people use as a skin care product and treatment for minor cuts and burns. Other names for petroleum jelly include petrolatum and Vaseline, a common brand name. People use petroleum jelly for diaper rash, as a moisturizer, to treat skin conditions such as eczema, and as […]

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Does apple cider vinegar help with acid reflux?

Does apple cider vinegar help with acid reflux?

Apple cider vinegar, a fermented vinegar that people make from crushed apples, is a popular natural remedy for acid reflux and heartburn. Many home remedies can successfully alleviate the symptoms of acid reflux, heartburn, and other symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Some people claim that apple cider vinegar can relieve these symptoms. For others, […]

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What are the benefits of spirulina?

What are the benefits of spirulina?

Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that people can take as a dietary supplement. People consider spirulina a superfood due to its excellent nutritional content and health benefits. Spirulina has a high protein and vitamin content, which makes it an excellent dietary supplement for people on vegetarian or vegan diets. Research suggests that spirulina […]

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What are the health benefits of 5-HTP?

What are the health benefits of 5-HTP?

L-5 hydroxytryptophan is a natural chemical in the body that people can also take as a nutritional supplement. Some people believe that taking the supplement can improve certain aspects of health, including mental health and sleep quality. The compound is a natural precursor to a neurotransmitter called serotonin, which helps produce “feel-good” chemicals in the […]