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Could gut bacteria drive the spread of breast cancer?

Could gut bacteria drive the spread of breast cancer?

New research in mice has discovered that disrupting the gut microbiome may result in more aggressive breast cancer. One factor that may drive the spread of breast cancer is the population of gut bacteria. Although the outlook of people with breast cancer has improved dramatically in recent years, predicting and preventing the spread of cancer […]

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What to know about Neurobion

What to know about Neurobion

Neurobion is a brand of supplements that contain a combination of B vitamins. Its manufacturers advertise that Neurobion can help improve nerve function. Vitamin B-complex supplements, including Neurobion products, can help treat or prevent certain nutrient deficiencies. Talk to a doctor before taking any supplement, as they can interact with medication. In this article, we […]

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What to know about secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS)

What to know about secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS)

Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis is a later stage of multiple sclerosis. Instead of having symptom relapses and remissions, a person’s symptoms steadily get worse over time. Most people, but not everyone, with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) will eventually develop secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS). Because of advances in current treatment, fewer people go on to […]

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Can apple cider vinegar treat gout?

Can apple cider vinegar treat gout?

Apple cider vinegar is a sour liquid made from fermented apple products. Many people believe that it is a cure-all for a variety of health conditions, including gout, and some research does suggest that it could be beneficial. Gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis that occurs when uric acid crystals build up in the […]

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What causes penis skin to peel?

What causes penis skin to peel?

Peeling skin on the penis often occurs as a result of friction, chafing, or an allergic reaction, but other possible causes include infections and skin conditions. Skin peeling may be the only symptom that a person experiences, or they may also have itching, burning, or redness. Most cases of penis skin peeling are not serious […]

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What causes pupils of different sizes?

What causes pupils of different sizes?

Pupils, or the black parts at the center of the eyes, change size to regulate the amount of light entering the eye. Pupils are large in the dark to let more light in and small in bright light. Usually, the pupils in each eye dilate or constrict at the same time. When they do not, […]

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Medical conditions that cause muscle wasting

Medical conditions that cause muscle wasting

Muscle wasting is a loss of muscle mass due to the muscles weakening and shrinking. There are several possible causes of muscle wasting, including certain medical conditions, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The symptoms of muscle wasting depend on the severity of muscle mass loss, but typical signs and symptoms include: reduced muscle strength an […]

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Common acne drug could prevent artery hardening

Common acne drug could prevent artery hardening

The depositing of calcium, or calcification, helps to harden tissues in the body. Tissue hardening is essential for healthy bone development, but it can cause health problems when it occurs in arteries. An antibiotic widely used to treat acne holds the promise of preventing the hardening of arteries, according to a new study. Stiff, or […]

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Human brains have evolved to ‘prefer’ music and speech

Human brains have evolved to ‘prefer’ music and speech

What makes humans so different from other primates? Though our brains are similar, it seems that they react differently to various stimuli. New evidence suggests that human brains “listen” for musical pitch, a preference that scientists have not detected in monkeys. Human brains have a particular ‘bias’ for music and speech, a new study shows. […]

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Heart disease death: ‘White coat hypertension’ may double risk

Heart disease death: ‘White coat hypertension’ may double risk

New research suggests that untreated ‘white coat hypertension’ may be a major risk factor for heart disease and heart disease-related death. Blood pressure may spike when a doctor performs the reading. White coat hypertension describes a disorder in which a person develops high blood pressure only in the presence of doctors. Some doctors and researchers […]