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More Active Lupus Linked to Childhood Events

Latest Arthritis News FRIDAY, May 10, 2019 (HealthDay News) — Lupus patients who had difficult childhoods have higher disease activity, worse depression and poorer overall health than those with better childhoods, a new study finds. Bad childhood experiences included abuse, neglect and household challenges. The study included 269 lupus patients in California. Of those, about […]

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Stay Safe While Spring Cleaning

Latest Allergies News FRIDAY, May 10, 2019 (HealthDay News) — While it’s a regular ritual, spring cleaning can become a dangerous chore for your health, experts warn. Some cleaning supplies — air fresheners, rug cleaners, bleach, oven cleaners and floor polish — have dangerous chemicals such as volatile organic compounds. These chemicals become vapors that […]

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How Pokémon characters can help us understand the brain

How Pokémon characters can help us understand the brain

Researchers from Stanford University in California have found that extensive exposure to video games, such as Pokémon, during childhood activates certain regions of the brain. A recent study used Pokémon to inform neuroscience. Pokémon is a media franchise that dates back to 1995. It involves fictional creatures called “Pokémon.” Players have to catch and train […]

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Exploring spider venom’s dual attack

Exploring spider venom’s dual attack

Spider venom research has so far focused on a relatively narrow area. Now, a group of scientists in Switzerland has dug a little deeper to find out exactly how deadly it is. Could the secrets of spider venom help design new drugs? Animal venom has long been used in medicine. While the industry used to […]

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Depression: Exercise may reduce symptoms but not in women

Depression: Exercise may reduce symptoms but not in women

Many experts consider exercise to be an effective treatment for depression. However, new research casts doubt on this theory by showing that not everyone may benefit. A new study looks at whether exercise can relieve depressive symptoms in men and women equally. Depression is the number one cause of disability across the globe, according to […]

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5 causes of cold intolerance

5 causes of cold intolerance

People with cold intolerance frequently feel cold when other people are comfortable or even warm. Cold intolerance may only occur in certain parts of the body, such as the hands or feet. Some people naturally tend to feel colder than others, without any discernible cause. However, cold intolerance can also be a symptom of an […]

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What are the best cereals for people with diabetes?

What are the best cereals for people with diabetes?

In addition to their health concerns, some people with a recent diabetes diagnosis worry that they will no longer be able to eat the foods they enjoy, including cereal. However, there are many types of cereal that people with diabetes can eat without worrying, as long as they take a few things into consideration. Cereals […]

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Diabetes: Best diets for weight loss

Diabetes: Best diets for weight loss

For people with diabetes, reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is essential. A healthy weight helps manage blood sugar levels and reduce the chances of additional complications, such as a stroke or heart attack. People with diabetes who want to lose weight must do so safely. Trying to lose weight too fast or being too […]

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Study finds evidence of ‘clear relationship’ between appendectomy and Parkinson’s

Study finds evidence of ‘clear relationship’ between appendectomy and Parkinson’s

An analysis of the health system records of more than 62 million people in the United States has found a link between appendix removal and raised risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Is there a link between having an appendectomy and developing Parkinson’s disease? The researchers compared data on people who had undergone an appendectomy, or […]