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What are the benefits of helichrysum essential oil?

What are the benefits of helichrysum essential oil?

Helichrysum is the Latin name for a flowering plant meaning “immortal” or “everlasting.” It grows wild in the Mediterranean region of southern Europe. Famous for its exotic, spicy scent, many perfume makers use helichrysum in their products. The flowers and leaves of helichrysum plants have additional uses in traditional medicine in Europe, particularly Italy, Spain, […]

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Causes of a headache after crying

Causes of a headache after crying

Crying is the body’s natural response to emotions that can be mentally and physically draining. When a strong cry triggers a headache, there are steps a person can take to help alleviate the physical pain, even if the emotional pain remains. When crying hard enough, many people will experience: a runny nose bloodshot eyes swelling […]

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Dry nipples: Causes and treatment

Dry nipples: Causes and treatment

The nipples are a very sensitive part of the body. Dry nipples can cause discomfort and itching, but the causes are usually harmless. Both men and women can experience nipple issues. Depending on the cause, the nipples may feel itchy or sore, and the skin may appear cracked or flaky. Most causes of dry or […]

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What to know about hamstring tendonitis

What to know about hamstring tendonitis

Tendonitis, or tendinitis, happens when a tendon either swells or sustains tiny tears. Tendonitis usually develops over time. For some people, however, it is a sudden injury. It is possible for tendonitis to get better with home treatment and gentle exercise, especially when people begin treatment early. Hamstring tendonitis is an injury to one or […]

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How to stay healthy with a weak immune system

How to stay healthy with a weak immune system

Most of the time, the immune system protects the body from infection. However, some people have a weak immune system that may make them prone to frequent infections. White blood cells, antibodies, and other components, including organs and lymph nodes, make up the body’s immune system. Many disorders can weaken the immune system and cause […]

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What can cause pain under the right breast?

What can cause pain under the right breast?

While pain under the right breast is rarely a cause for concern, it can sometimes indicate an underlying condition. Some possible causes of this pain include injuries, infections, muscle strain, inflammation, and gastrointestinal issues. A strain or injury are common causes of pain under the right breast, and the pain usually gets better on its […]

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Top 6 remedies for dry skin on the face

Top 6 remedies for dry skin on the face

Some people are more prone than others to dry skin on the face. Gentle treatments and home remedies can relieve dry facial skin and prevent it from coming back. People may experience dry skin on their face as a result of many factors, including changes in temperature or humidity, using soaps with harsh chemicals, and […]

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Cancer: Scientists find 129 ‘jumping genes’ that drive tumor growth

Cancer: Scientists find 129 ‘jumping genes’ that drive tumor growth

In cancer research, scientists usually look for cancer genes by scouring the genome for altered sequences — or mutations — in DNA. But a new study has now revealed that jumping genes, which customary sequencing overlooks, are also important drivers of tumor growth. Researchers have uncovered 129 jumping genes that may drive cancer. Scientists at […]

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Can genetic variants predict depression risk in young people?

Can genetic variants predict depression risk in young people?

A new study looks at the genetic makeup of thousands of adults with depression to try to find an accurate way of predicting which children and adolescents may be at risk of developing this mental health problem. Researchers identify a genetic risk score that could help predict depression risk in the young. Many factors determine […]

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5-minute breathing ‘workout’ may benefit heart and brain health

5-minute breathing ‘workout’ may benefit heart and brain health

Preliminary research reveals that a technique called Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training can boost cognitive and physical performance, as well as cardiovascular health. New research adds another tool in the toolbox for preventing high blood pressure. Most of us know that exercising and eating right are good for us. However, putting in the effort to do […]