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What does a lump in the left breast mean?

What does a lump in the left breast mean?

Lumps can occur in the left or right breast, or in both breasts. There are many types of breast lump, most of which are harmless. Doctors diagnose breast cancersmore often in the left breast than the right. That said, around 80 percent of breast lumps turn out to be noncancerous. A breast lump may appear […]

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What gluten-free food can I eat?

What gluten-free food can I eat?

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. Some people who choose to eat gluten-free often avoid eating overly processed breads, pasta, and other baked goods. This can lead to weight loss and overall health improvements, as people avoid highly processed, unhealthful foods. For some other people, however, eating gluten-free is a necessity. […]

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Which foods are rich in vitamin A?

Which foods are rich in vitamin A?

Vitamin A is essential for overall health and well-being. Because the human body cannot make it, people must obtain this vitamin from their diet. Vitamin A is an essential nutrient that plays a role in many bodily processes, including: immune function reproduction skin health the function of the lining of the gut, bladder, and other […]

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What are the best lower chest exercises?

What are the best lower chest exercises?

People who want to develop their lower chest muscles can try doing a range of exercises that strengthen the pectoral muscles. The pectoral muscles, which people often refer to as the pecs, define the shape and appearance of the chest. They also control several arm movements, including flexing and rotating the arm and bringing it […]

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How to treat pinkeye at home

How to treat pinkeye at home

Pinkeye, or conjunctivitis, is a common eye condition. People can relieve irritation, itchiness, and discomfort at home, using various natural remedies. In this article, we discuss five possible home remedies for pinkeye.

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Flu breakthrough: Universal vaccine may be in sight

Flu breakthrough: Universal vaccine may be in sight

Researchers have studied various flu strains and found that the body’s so-called killer immune cells offer protection against all influenza viruses. Soon, we may no longer need to update our flu vaccines each year, as a universal flu shot is now in sight. Influenza A, B, and C viruses are widespread globally and infect a […]

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What causes cramps after sex?

What causes cramps after sex?

Both men and women can experience cramps after sex. The medical term for pain before, during, or after sex is dyspareunia. Cramps may occur after sex for many reasons, ranging from mild muscle strain to underlying conditions that may require treatment. Read on for more information about the potential causes of cramping or pain after […]

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Ability to do pushups may predict cardiovascular risk

Ability to do pushups may predict cardiovascular risk

A new study suggests that the more pushups a man is able to complete, the lower his cardiovascular risk and vice versa. These findings may establish a new measure of risk assessment that is simple and does not require costly specialized equipment. Being able to do more pushups may correlate with a lower cardiovascular risk […]