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What does it mean to have stage 4 pancreatic cancer?

What does it mean to have stage 4 pancreatic cancer?

The pancreas is an organ that helps facilitate digestive function and blood sugar regulation. When cancer spreads from the pancreas to other parts of the body, doctors classify it as stage 4 pancreatic cancer. According to research from 2015, about 53 percent of people with pancreatic cancer receive a diagnosis when the cancer is in […]

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What to know about sperm analysis

What to know about sperm analysis

A sperm analysis involves checking a sample of semen for overall sperm health. The process can help doctors to determine the underlying cause of a person’s inability to conceive, or it may confirm the outcome of a vasectomy. A sperm analysis tests for several markers of sperm health, including: the number of sperm in 1 […]

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Alpha-lipoic acid: Everything you need to know

Alpha-lipoic acid: Everything you need to know

Alpha-lipoic acid is an organic compound in the body that acts as a potent antioxidant. It may have several health benefits. While the body produces alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) naturally, a person can boost their levels by making suitable dietary choices, taking supplements, or both. Supplementing with ALA is becoming increasingly popular, as some people believe […]

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What are the early symptoms of COPD?

What are the early symptoms of COPD?

Early symptoms of COPD include shortness of breath, frequent respiratory infections, and wheezing. COPD does not have a cure, but people who recognize the initial symptoms can often get an early diagnosis and make changes to slow its progression. COPD is a group of conditions that includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. People may mistake the […]

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Strength training tied to better heart health than aerobic

Strength training tied to better heart health than aerobic

Exercises that build strength can benefit the heart more than aerobic activities, such as walking and cycling, according to recent research. New research suggests that strength training is the best exercise for heart health. A survey of 4,000 adults revealed that static activity, such as strength training, had stronger links to reduced risk of cardiovascular […]

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How to protect your mental well-being this festive season

How to protect your mental well-being this festive season

A perfect world sees the holiday season filled with love, warmth, and happiness. However, more often, it is crammed with stress, exhaustion, and panic. Here, we offer some advice on how to bring a little calm back to the festive season. How can we avoid the stress of the festive season? I know it seems […]

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How do you make mosquito bites go away faster?

How do you make mosquito bites go away faster?

Mosquito bites often result in a small bump that can be itchy and uncomfortable. Home remedies include applying ice, honey, or aloe vera to reduce irritation. Methods of prevention include using mosquito repellent and covering exposed skin. In some parts of the world, mosquitoes can carry diseases. In the United States, it is unlikely that […]

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How do you get COPD?

How do you get COPD?

COPD is a progressive disease. It is not contagious. The causes include smoking, lung irritants, and genetics. Treatment depends on the severity of the condition, and some lifestyle changes may help relieve symptoms. COPD is a disease that affects the lungs. It includes several progressive lung diseases all relating to breathlessness: Smoking is the leading […]

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Blood pressure medications: Everything you need to know

Blood pressure medications: Everything you need to know

Medications for high blood pressure are vital for helping to prevent a range of complications, including heart disease and stroke. This article outlines the various blood pressure medications along with their associated side effects and risks. Diuretics Blood pressure medications may cause different side effects. Excess salt can cause a buildup of fluid within the […]