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What to know about salivary stones

What to know about salivary stones

Salivary stones are small stones that form in the glands of the mouth. They can block the flow of saliva and cause pain or discomfort. The medical term for salivary stones is sialoliths. When they block the salivary glands, this is known as sialolithiasis. Salivary stones are rarely a cause for concern, and people can […]

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Removing plaque and tartar from teeth

Removing plaque and tartar from teeth

Plaque is a soft, sticky film that builds up on the outside of the teeth and along the gum line. A person can often prevent and treat plaque buildup at home. If a person does not practice good dental hygiene, plaque can turn into a hard yellow-brown substance called tartar. When people eat, bacteria in […]

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Why does my tooth still hurt after a filling?

Why does my tooth still hurt after a filling?

When a person has a cavity in their tooth, a dentist will probably recommend a filling. Fillings are safe and effective, but some people might experience discomfort or tooth sensitivity afterward. Most of the time, this sensitivity is normal and will resolve within a few days or weeks. A person should call their dentist right […]

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Gargling hydrogen peroxide: Benefits and how-to

Gargling hydrogen peroxide: Benefits and how-to

Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic frequently used to clean minor cuts or disinfect surfaces. Due to its versatility, hydrogen peroxide is a staple in many medicine cabinets and first aid kits, and it is readily available at most drug stores. Some people gargle with hydrogen peroxide to benefit from its cleansing properties. The liquid contains […]