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What causes post-cesarean wound infections?

What causes post-cesarean wound infections?

A post-cesarean wound infection can occur when bacteria get into the incision wound. Doctors can treat surgical wound infections with medications and proper wound care. An estimated 3–15 percent of woman develop an infection in their cesarean incision wounds. This article looks at the causes and types of wound infections after a cesarean, risk factors, […]

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How do baby flutters feel?

One of the most exciting moments of pregnancy for many women is feeling the baby move for the first time. Often, it can be difficult for a woman to distinguish these first movements from other sensations, such as indigestion or gas. However, when a woman is certain that she is feeling the fetus move, she […]

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Can we halt cellular aging? New drug combo shows promise

Can we halt cellular aging? New drug combo shows promise

Aging cells can become toxic to surrounding tissue, thus leading to numerous health problems. A class of drugs scientists call senolytics could help address these health issues, and improve symptoms. Can a new drug combination help fight off the ill effects of cellular aging? Senolytics are a class of drugs that target cells that have […]

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Treating constipation in Crohn’s disease

Treating constipation in Crohn’s disease

Crohn’s disease tends to cause frequent diarrhea, but it can also cause constipation. This constipation may result from medications, other health conditions, or lifestyle factors. Doctors consider a person to have constipation if they have fewer than three bowel movements a week. Other symptoms of constipation can include hard or dry stools, pain or difficulty […]

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Transcendental meditation can help treat PTSD

Transcendental meditation can help treat PTSD

Working with a cohort of young people with symptoms of PTSD and depression, researchers found that practicing transcendental meditation can help reduce or even reverse these symptoms. New evidence indicates that some types of meditation can successfully tackle mental health issues. Studies have shown that meditation practices can have a significant, positive effect on mental […]

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Aggressive brain cancer: Why does immunotherapy fail?

Aggressive brain cancer: Why does immunotherapy fail?

New research that now appears in the journal Nature Medicine examined glioblastoma tumors, and the results move scientists closer to understanding why this form of brain cancer does not respond as well to immunotherapy as other cancers. Doctors may soon be able to predict which people with glioblastoma will respond to immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is a […]

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VIH y SIDA: Definición y diferencias

VIH y SIDA: Definición y diferencias

El VIH es un virus que aborda y altera el sistema inmunológico, por lo que se incrementa el riesgo de aparición e impacto de otras infecciones y enfermedades. Sin tratamiento, podría progresar a una etapa avanzada de la enfermedad llamada SIDA. Sin embargo, los avances modernos de los tratamientos han conseguido que las personas con […]

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Hipertensión: Causas, síntomas y tratamientos

Hipertensión: Causas, síntomas y tratamientos

La hipertensión es una forma alternativa de denominar a la presión arterial elevada. Puede derivar en complicaciones graves e incrementar el riesgo de sufrir una cardiopatía, un accidente cerebrovascular y la muerte. La presión arterial se define como la fuerza que ejerce la sangre contra las paredes de los vasos sanguíneos. Esta presión depende del […]

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Diez causas comunes de la mastalgia

Diez causas comunes de la mastalgia

Las mujeres de todas las edades aseguran haber sufrido dolor en las mamas, lo que se conoce como mastalgia. El dolor puede aparecer antes o después de la menopausia. Sin embargo, es más común durante los años de reproducción. Cerca del 70 por ciento de las mujeres aseguran haber sufrido dolor en las mamas durante […]