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What is a slit lamp exam?

What is a slit lamp exam?

The slit lamp exam is a standard diagnostic procedure, which is also known as biomicroscopy. A slit lamp combines a microscope with a very bright light. The slit lamp exam usually forms part of a comprehensive eye exam. The individual will sit in a chair facing the slit lamp with their chin and forehead resting […]

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Tending to the diaphragm may relieve chronic low back pain

Tending to the diaphragm may relieve chronic low back pain

Is treating the diaphragm the key to relieving chronic pain in the lower back? Researchers set out to investigate, conducting the first ever clinical trial to test the efficacy of special osteopathic techniques tending to the diaphragm for easing chronic low back pain. Osteopathic treatment that tends to the diaphragm may alleviate chronic low back […]

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Diabetes: The insulin pill may finally be here

Diabetes: The insulin pill may finally be here

Individuals with type 1 diabetes must inject themselves with the required dose of insulin daily to manage their condition. In the future, injections may no longer be necessary; scientists are developing a viable way of delivering insulin in pill form. Researchers have developed a pill for the oral delivery of insulin, and they hope that […]

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Pollen allergy: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Pollen allergy: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Pollen allergies are a common but irritating problem for many people. There are different types of pollen, so people may experience symptoms at different times of the year depending on which plants affect them. Learn about the types of pollen allergies, symptoms, treatment, and home remedies in this article.