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Everything you need to know about papilledema

Everything you need to know about papilledema

Papilledema is a serious medical condition where the optic nerve at the back of the eye becomes swollen. Symptoms can include visual disturbances, headaches, and nausea. Papilledema occurs when there is a buildup of pressure in or around the brain, which causes the optic nerve to swell. It is critical to identify the cause of […]

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Honeymoon phase in diabetes: What you need to know

Honeymoon phase in diabetes: What you need to know

When someone is first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and insulin treatment starts, their blood sugar can stay at near-normal levels, and their diabetes symptoms vanish. This near-normal blood sugar condition is achieved with decreasing amounts of insulin, and some people manage to come off insulin temporarily. This status quo is known as the honeymoon […]

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What causes eye boogers?

What causes eye boogers?

A person’s eyes produce mucus or pus known as rheum that leaves behind what are colloquially called eye boogers. When mucus dries in the eyes, it can leave behind this sludgy substance. Some people refer to it as having “sleep” in the eyes. Mucus helps protect the eyes from specks of dirt, harmful chemicals, and […]