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Sleep loss can turn us into social outcasts

Sleep loss can turn us into social outcasts

When we sleep poorly, we may feel less inclined to participate in social activities. Now, researchers have found evidence that being sleep-deprived can not only make us less sociable, but it can also prevent our peers from seeking us out. Poor sleep can render us more unsociable and isolated, researchers warn. Sleep deprivation can contribute […]

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What is a hypnic jerk?

What is a hypnic jerk?

Hypnic jerks, which people also refer to as hypnagogic jerks or “sleep starts,” are involuntary muscle contractions that some people experience as they are falling asleep. Some hypnic jerks are mild and hardly noticeable. Others can be intense — anyone who has been close to falling asleep and then felt a sudden jerk that has […]

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Why do we sleep? Scientists find brain repair mechanism

Why do we sleep? Scientists find brain repair mechanism

Sleep is an important part of the daily life cycle of most animals — including humans. But when an animal sleeps, it leaves itself defenseless in the face of danger. So, what makes sleeping so important that we all take this risk? What effect does sleep have on individual brain cells? Research, both old and […]

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Is insomnia genetic?

Is insomnia genetic?

Studies into the heritability of insomnia go back over half a century. Recent research points the finger at hundreds of genes, yet they can only explain part of the risk. How much do our genes contribute to our risk of developing insomnia? If insomnia affects you, there is a good chance that members of your […]

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Insomnia: Certain types of brain cell explain genetic risk

Insomnia: Certain types of brain cell explain genetic risk

New research in the journal Nature Genetics identifies individual types of brain cell and brain areas that are involved in insomnia, offering new treatment targets for this condition. New research helps explain why some people struggle to sleep. Insomnia affects about a third of people living in the United States and approximately 770 million people […]

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Sleep apnea: Daytime sleepiness might help predict cardiovascular risk

Sleep apnea: Daytime sleepiness might help predict cardiovascular risk

A recent study categorizing people with obstructive sleep apnea based on their differing symptoms found a strong link between excessive daytime sleepiness and cardiovascular disease. OSA increases hypertension risk. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) causes sporadic airflow blockages during sleep. All of the different types of sleep apnea, OSA is the most common. Symptoms include snoring, […]

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How exercise can counter the effects of jet lag

How exercise can counter the effects of jet lag

New research in The Journal of Physiology suggests that exercising at certain times of the day can alter the circadian rhythms, potentially offering a new therapy for jet lag and shift work. Jet lag can lead to insomnia and fatigue, but exercise may help alleviate such disruptions to a person’s body clock. Circadian rhythms, which […]

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Why sleep is good for your arteries

Why sleep is good for your arteries

Fresh evidence suggests that sleep regulates a mechanism that can help to protect arteries from hardening. The finding reinforces the notion that good-quality sleep is important for cardiovascular health. Sleep is integral to good health, and a new study delves into how it keeps our cardiovascular system healthy. Scientists from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in […]