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Why sleep is essential for health

Why sleep is essential for health

Getting enough sleep is essential for helping a person maintain optimal health and well-being. When it comes to their health, sleep is as vital as regular exercise and eating a balanced diet. Modern-day living in the United States and many other countries does not always embrace the necessity for adequate sleep. Yet, it is important […]

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Tips for staying up all night

Tips for staying up all night

Getting enough sleep is essential for people’s mental and physical wellbeing. However, there are times when a person needs to stay up all night for homework, studying, or work. Staying up very late disrupts the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, which can affect a person’s mental functioning and energy levels the next day. Frequently staying up […]

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Tips for sleeping better

Tips for sleeping better

Getting enough good-quality sleep is essential for a person’s physical and mental health. Some simple sleep hygiene practices and home remedies can help people sleep better. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that people aged 18–60 years get 7 or more hours of sleep each night. However, 7–19% of adults in the […]

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What are the benefits of sleeping naked?

What are the benefits of sleeping naked?

Many people wear pajamas, large tees and underwear, or another type of comfortable attire in bed. However, there may be a number of health benefits associated with sleeping naked. In this article, we take a look at some of the potential health benefits of sleeping with nothing on. We also cover some tips for sleeping […]

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Why do I keep waking up at night?

Why do I keep waking up at night?

Nearly everyone will wake up in the middle of the night at some point in their life. For many, the cause is benign and short-lived, such as needing to urinate due to drinking too much liquid before bed. However, regularly waking up in the middle of the night can become problematic, as it interrupts sleep. […]

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10 ways to improve gut health

10 ways to improve gut health

Gut health refers to the balance of microorganisms that live in the digestive tract. Looking after the health of the gut and maintaining the right balance of these microorganisms is vital for physical and mental health, immunity, and more. These bacteria, yeasts, and viruses — of which there are around 100 trillion — are also […]

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What to know about sleeping with earplugs

What to know about sleeping with earplugs

Earplugs are generally safe to use while sleeping. However, it is possible that frequent use can lead to some minor problems in the long run, such as earwax buildup. Sometimes, noise from the environment can disrupt sleep. For example, having a bedroom that faces a busy street can affect sleep duration. However, disrupted sleep may […]

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How lack of sleep harms circulation

How lack of sleep harms circulation

Scientists have long been aware of the relationship between insufficient sleep and poor cardiovascular health. However, exactly how the lack of adequate sleep can harm circulation has remained unclear. A new study now uncovers some of the potential mechanisms. Sleeplessness impairs crucial mechanisms that keep cardiovascular problems at bay, shows a new study. Having a […]

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Sleep apnea and cancer: Is there a link, and in what cases?

Sleep apnea and cancer: Is there a link, and in what cases?

A study looking at the data of thousands of participants suggests that there may be a link between severe sleep apnea and the likelihood of developing cancer. However, this link appears to be stronger in women. There may be a link between sleep apnea and cancer, and research has identified it predominantly in women. According […]

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What to know about ZzzQuil

What to know about ZzzQuil

ZzzQuil is an over-the-counter nighttime sleep aid. The active ingredient in ZzzQuil is diphenhydramine, which is also the active ingredient in the allergy medication Benadryl. Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine that people commonly use to treat allergic reactions, itchiness, and hives. The most common side effect of diphenhydramine is drowsiness. ZzzQuil is a safe and effective […]