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What to know about acute respiratory failure

What to know about acute respiratory failure

When a person has acute respiratory failure, the usual exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs does not occur. As a result, enough oxygen cannot reach the heart, brain, or the rest of the body. This can cause symptoms such as shortness of breath, a bluish tint in the face and lips, and […]

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Natural ways to cleanse your lungs

Natural ways to cleanse your lungs

Lung cleansing techniques may benefit people who smoke, people who get regular exposure to air pollution, and those with chronic conditions that affect the respiratory system, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cystic fibrosis. Breathing in air pollution, cigarette smoke, and other toxins can damage the lungs and even cause health conditions. Maintaining […]

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What causes difficulty breathing?

What causes difficulty breathing?

The symptoms of many conditions include difficulty breathing, which can be mild or severe. A person who is having difficulty breathing feels short of breath, has trouble inhaling or exhaling, or feels as though they cannot get enough oxygen. Very often, people experience trouble breathing after exercising or when they feel anxious. In some cases, […]

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What is a normal respiratory rate?

What is a normal respiratory rate?

Respiratory rates change based on many health and activity factors. Normal respiratory rates also differ in adults and children. The respiratory rate is the number of breaths someone takes every minute and is one of the main vital signs, along with blood pressure, pulse, and temperature. When a person inhales, oxygen enters their lungs and […]

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What to know about obstructive lung disease

What to know about obstructive lung disease

Obstructive lung disease is a type of lung disease that occurs due to blockages or obstructions in the airways. Blockages damage the lungs and cause their airways to narrow. This damage leads to difficulty breathing. In this article, we look at the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of several types of obstructive lung disease. What […]

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What are the signs of an upper respiratory infection?

What are the signs of an upper respiratory infection?

An upper respiratory infection, or the common cold, is an infection that affects the nasal passages and throat. Treatment is usually simple, unless a person also has a chronic respiratory condition such as asthma. For an upper respiratory infection (URI) to occur, a virus enters the body, usually through the mouth or nose. A person […]

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Hyperventilation: Causes and what to do

Hyperventilation: Causes and what to do

Hyperventilation is fast breathing. In some cases, people who hyperventilate may breath deeper than normal. The body usually breathes automatically, without a person having to think about it. On average, people take about 12 to 15 breaths a minute. A normal breathing rate allows oxygen to get into the lungs and carbon dioxide to leave. […]

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What is empyema?

What is empyema?

Empyema is a condition that affects the space between the outermost layer of the lungs and the layer touching the chest wall, known as the pleural space. This space exists to help the lungs expand and contract. The pleural space naturally contains a small amount of fluid. Empyema happens when extra fluid begins to collect […]

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What is bronchopneumonia?

What is bronchopneumonia?

Bronchopneumonia is a type of pneumonia, a condition that causes inflammation of the lungs. Symptoms can range from mild to severe and may include coughing, breathing difficulties, and fever. Causes include bacterial, viral, or fungal chest infections. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), pneumonia is responsible for around 51,811 deaths each […]

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Everything you need to know about bibasilar crackles

Everything you need to know about bibasilar crackles

Using a stethoscope, a doctor can listen to the sounds of the lungs. One type of sound that can indicate a problem is called bibasilar crackles. The sounds of the lungs can provide clues that help a doctor to diagnose an underlying condition. In this article, learn about the conditions that cause bibasilar crackles. We […]