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Cardiovascular risk linked not to weight, but to body fat storage

Cardiovascular risk linked not to weight, but to body fat storage

By studying a large cohort of women who had already been through menopause, researchers have found that cardiovascular risk is associated with body shape, which results from how fat is distributed in the body. A new study suggests that in women over 50, body shape is associated with cardiovascular risk. Existing studies have suggested that […]

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Obesity: How diet changes the brain and promotes overeating

Obesity: How diet changes the brain and promotes overeating

Scientists have implicated specific neurons in the lateral hypothalamic area, a region involved in survival mechanisms such as food intake, in signaling to the brain when to stop eating. This mechanism is impaired in obese mice. How does obesity trick the brain into sending a signal that says to keep on eating? Obesity is a […]

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Cocoa shells may help prevent obesity-induced insulin resistance

Cocoa shells may help prevent obesity-induced insulin resistance

Obesity alters cells in ways that can lead to long-term health problems. Examples of obesity-induced cell changes include inflammation and damage to metabolic functions, such as the ability to use insulin and make energy. Compounds in cocoa may have the potential to prevent obesity-related conditions, according to new research. Now, new research from the University […]

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Intermittent fasting: How I got started

Intermittent fasting: How I got started

Intermittent fasting regimes are gaining traction as a way to manage weight and long-term health. This is how I got started. Watching the clock was part of my first month of intermittent fasting. It’s Tuesday, midafternoon. I’ve felt my concentration slip more than usual in the last half an hour. I’m also feeling quite cold. […]

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What to know about cardiac muscle tissue

What to know about cardiac muscle tissue

You have chosen to share the following article: How elderberries can help you fight the flu To proceed, simply complete the form below, and a link to the article will be sent by email on your behalf.Note: Please don’t include any URLs in your comments, as they will be removed upon submission. We do not […]

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Artificial light during sleep puts women at risk of obesity

Artificial light during sleep puts women at risk of obesity

There is a close link between lifestyle choices, such as diet and exercise, and a person’s weight. Researchers now identify another factor as they report that sleeping with a light or television on puts women at higher risk of becoming overweight or obese. Can sleeping with the lights on influence our weight? How much a […]

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Stretches for tight hips: Tips and how to do them

Stretches for tight hips: Tips and how to do them

Targeted exercises and stretches can alleviate tight hips, a problem that occurs when tension builds up in the hip flexors and other muscles around the hips. Tight hips can arise from inactivity and prolonged periods of sitting. The Arthritis Foundation advise that exercise is one of the best things that a person can do to […]

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How many calories do you burn by walking?

How many calories do you burn by walking?

The number of calories the body burns while a person is walking varies depending on a range of factors, including body size and walking speed. Walking also offers a variety of other health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease. The body uses energy from food and drinks to sustain bodily functions and […]

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Tips for sleeping better

Tips for sleeping better

Getting enough good-quality sleep is essential for a person’s physical and mental health. Some simple sleep hygiene practices and home remedies can help people sleep better. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that people aged 18–60 years get 7 or more hours of sleep each night. However, 7–19% of adults in the […]