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Home remedies to clean your ears

Home remedies to clean your ears

Earwax is how the body lubricates and protects the ear. People do not usually need to clean out their ears, but sometimes earwax and other debris can build up. Earwax, or cerumen, leaves the body slowly. Chewing and moving the jaw pushes the earwax from the canal to the outer ear. When the earwax and […]

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Risks and effects of adenoid removal

Risks and effects of adenoid removal

A child’s adenoids can sometimes become swollen and, occasionally, infected. If enlarged adenoids cause sleeping or breathing difficulties, a doctor may recommend adenoid removal. In this article, we look at what adenoids are, symptoms of their enlargement, and reasons for having them removed. We also explain the adenoid removal procedure, risks and possible complications, and […]

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What can cause a bump on the lip?

What can cause a bump on the lip?

Lip bumps can sometimes be painful or uncomfortable, but they are often harmless and will clear up without treatment. There are many possible causes, including infections, allergic reactions, and lip injuries. Lips bumps can vary in size, appearance, and associated symptoms. Treatment depends on the cause, but a person can often use over-the-counter (OTC) medications […]

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Signs and symptoms of medullary thyroid cancer

Medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) is a rare type of thyroid cancer. The earliest sign of MTC is typically a painless lump in the neck. Later symptoms can include pain or discomfort, hoarseness, coughing, and difficulty swallowing or breathing. If caught early, the outlook for MTC is often very good. Learn more here.