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What to know about GABA

What to know about GABA

You have chosen to share the following article: How elderberries can help you fight the flu To proceed, simply complete the form below, and a link to the article will be sent by email on your behalf.Note: Please don’t include any URLs in your comments, as they will be removed upon submission. We do not […]

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Alcohol intake and reduced brain volume: What explains the link?

Alcohol intake and reduced brain volume: What explains the link?

Does drinking more alcohol shrink the brain, or does a smaller brain volume actually predispose individuals to drink more alcohol? Share on PinterestA new study confirms the link between alcohol use and lower brain volume and proposes a shared underlying cause. Excessive alcohol consumption carries many risks, including heart and liver problems, a higher risk […]

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Could hair analysis diagnose schizophrenia?

Could hair analysis diagnose schizophrenia?

A novel approach to probing the biological origins of schizophrenia has identified excess production of hydrogen sulfide in the brain as a factor. New research suggests that analyzing human hair may offer clues into a person’s mental health. The recent EMBO Molecular Medicine study also suggests that an enzyme that helps to produce hydrogen sulfide […]

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How we learn things shapes our memory

How we learn things shapes our memory

Humans are constantly learning new things. This ability helps us to grow and adapt to new situations daily. But a new study suggests that different learning mechanisms actually shape how the brain stores memories. A new study shows that the way we learn may impact how our brains store information. As humans, we have not […]

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Researchers activate problem-solving during sleep

Researchers activate problem-solving during sleep

Using sound cues, scientists have made study participants solve puzzles in their sleep. New research sheds light on the cognitive processes that occur in the brain as we sleep. In dreams, fragments of reality, imagination, and memory intermingle in timeline-agnostic narratives that make little sense upon waking. It seems to have something to do with […]

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How long is the ideal nap?

How long is the ideal nap?

Taking a nap in the afternoon can serve as a reset button for some people, allowing them to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to finish their day. However, it may be best to aim for short 20-minute naps for the greatest benefit. The actual time a person needs to sleep for during a nap […]

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How do gut microbes help mice extinguish fear memories?

How do gut microbes help mice extinguish fear memories?

New research in mice shows how microbes in the intestines can influence the ability to unlearn fear responses. The study yields detailed clues on the cellular and molecular mechanisms that connect the gut and the brain. Researchers have examined the role of gut microbes in alleviating fear memories in mice. Over the past 10–20 years, […]

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How a high salt diet may lead to cognitive decline

How a high salt diet may lead to cognitive decline

New research suggests that a diet high in salt may promote cognitive decline by destabilizing levels of the protein tau. Excessive levels of tau are a hallmark of dementia. Share on PinterestAvoiding excessive salt intake could stave off dementia. Dr. Giuseppe Faraco, an assistant professor of research in neuroscience in the Feil Family Brain and […]

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What to know about herniated disc surgery

What to know about herniated disc surgery

You have chosen to share the following article: How elderberries can help you fight the flu To proceed, simply complete the form below, and a link to the article will be sent by email on your behalf.Note: Please don’t include any URLs in your comments, as they will be removed upon submission. We do not […]