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Unraveling the neural code of the anxious brain

Unraveling the neural code of the anxious brain

For the first time, scientists have measured fluctuating deep brain patterns across a number of days. They caught a glimpse of the neural signature of low mood in anxious people. A recent study provides clues about how low mood develops in the brain. Although our understanding of neuropsychiatric conditions, such as anxiety and depression, has […]

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Scientists find brain area that inhibits fear

Scientists find brain area that inhibits fear

A recent study, published in the journal Nature Communications, has identified a new brain area that controls the expression and inhibition of fear. The study findings have important implications for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. A new study takes a close look at the brain region that suppresses our fear. According to recent estimates, […]

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3 (or more) spooky ways to trick your brain this Halloween

3 (or more) spooky ways to trick your brain this Halloween

If you want some thrills this Halloween, you should try tricking yourself for a change. In this Spotlight, we look at some spooky experiments that’ll trick the brain and ask intriguing questions about consciousness and perception. Treat yourself to some scientific ‘spooks’ this Halloween. In Act One, Scene Five of William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, the […]

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How does stress affect the brain?

How does stress affect the brain?

Regular exposure to stress can impact our physical and mental health, but how does it actually affect our brains? One new Harvard Medical School study answers that question. According to new research, high levels of stress hormones can impact how well the brain functions. Stress — especially when we experience it on a regular basis […]

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How you breathe may affect your memory

How you breathe may affect your memory

According to a team of Swedish-based researchers, breathing through the nose may help memory storage and consolidation. These findings are published in The Journal of Neuroscience. The way we breathe affects our memory in mysterious ways. Recently, neuroscientists have been scrutinizing the link between smell and memory. Some have suggested that a damaged sense of […]

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The brain uses its ‘autocorrect’ feature to make out sounds

The brain uses its ‘autocorrect’ feature to make out sounds

New research has zoomed in on the brain’s speech recognition abilities, uncovering the mechanism through which the brain discerns between ambiguous sounds. The brain deploys fascinating mechanisms to make out sounds. “Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is […]

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What to know about reduced blood flow to the brain

What to know about reduced blood flow to the brain

Vertebrobasilar circulatory disorders are conditions that cause reduced blood flow to the back of the brain. Symptoms of restricted blood flow to the back of the brain, also called vertebrobasilar insufficiency, include dizziness and slurred speech. If something stops or disrupts blood flow to an area of the body, it is known as ischemia. When […]

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The curious case of a blind woman who sees motion

The curious case of a blind woman who sees motion

In the most comprehensive brain analysis of a blind person to date, researchers have mapped the neural pathways of a 48-year-old woman who can only see objects when they move. A woman whose occipital lobes (depicted here) are almost entirely damaged developed the ability to see objects in motion. “The miracle of plasticity and redeployment […]

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Can these hormones provide the key to autism, schizophrenia?

Can these hormones provide the key to autism, schizophrenia?

People with neuropsychiatric disorders — such as schizophrenia and autism — often display, among other symptoms, impaired social behavior. To address this, researchers looked into the impact of two hormones on social attitudes. Can oxytocin and vasopressin help to regulate impaired social behavior? In a new study, investigators at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia […]