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paroxetine (Brisdelle)

paroxetine (Brisdelle)

What is paroxetine (Brisdelle)? What is paroxetine used for? Brisdelle (paroxetine) is a prescription medicine used to treat moderate to severe hot flashes associated with menopause. Brisdelle is a non-hormonal treatment for this condition. Paroxetine, the medicine in Brisdelle, is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). Brisdelle contains a low dose of paroxetine that is […]

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Why do women have less sex as they age?

Why do women have less sex as they age?

As women get older, they tend to have less sex. They may also find it less enjoyable than before. So far, studies have explained these tendencies by pointing the finger at physiological changes during and after menopause. What are the other factors? What prevents a woman from having sex or enjoying sex later in life? […]

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CBT may be effective in managing menopause symptoms

CBT may be effective in managing menopause symptoms

A small study into the effects of cognitive behavioral therapy on menopause showed that it may reduce hot flashes, depression, and sleep disorders. CBT may be a valid alternative to other menopause treatments. Menopause marks the end of a person’s menstrual cycles. During and after this process, they will no longer be able to conceive […]

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Best ways to lose weight during menopause

Best ways to lose weight during menopause

People going through the menopausal transition may gain weight. Those who wish to lose this weight may have more difficulty than usual, and keeping the weight off can be challenging. Weight gain occurs before and during menopause partly because of a drop in estrogen levels. Low-quality sleep and regular, age-related reductions in metabolism and muscle […]

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Menopause and heart health: Why timing hormone therapy is key

Menopause and heart health: Why timing hormone therapy is key

Researchers already know that menopause affects the heart, but a new study suggests that changes start to take place in the years leading up to this phase. The study findings could change how doctors administer hormone replacement therapy. New research suggests that changes in heart health may occur sooner than scientists previously believed. The older […]

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What to know about female sex hormones

What to know about female sex hormones

Female sex hormones, or sex steroids, play vital roles in sexual development, reproduction, and general health. Sex hormone levels change over time, but some of the most significant changes happen during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. In this article, we discuss the different types of female sex hormones, their roles in the body, and how they […]