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What is mastoiditis?

What is mastoiditis?

Mastoiditis is a serious infection in the mastoid process, which is the hard, prominent bone just behind and under the ear. Ear infections that people fail to treat cause most cases of mastoiditis. The condition is rare but can become life-threatening without treatment. Symptoms of mastoiditis include swelling behind the ear, pus coming out of […]

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What to know about the Adam’s apple

What to know about the Adam’s apple

The Adam’s apple is a lump of cartilage that sticks out from the throat. It is more prominent in males, and it serves no specific function. A person can remove or change the size of their Adam’s apple with surgery. Adam’s apples develop during puberty and are not present in prepubescent children. They are often […]

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What is pharyngitis?

What is pharyngitis?

Pharyngitis is inflammation of the mucous membranes that line the back of the throat, or pharynx. This inflammation can cause discomfort, dryness, and difficulty swallowing. Pharyngitis is the medical term for a sore throat. Causes of pharyngitis include viral infections, such as common colds, and bacterial infections, such as group A Streptococcus. Pharyngitis is a […]

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Dolor de garganta en un solo lado

Dolor de garganta en un solo lado

Un dolor de garganta es la razón más común para acudir a un médico. La mayoría de las veces, es un síntoma de alergias, resfriados o gripe. Si bien es cierto que puede ser doloroso, por lo general no es grave. Sin embargo, cuando se presenta un dolor de garganta en un solo lado, puede […]

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Study finds link between obesity and sense of smell

Study finds link between obesity and sense of smell

A recent review concludes that people with obesity have a reduced ability to detect and discriminate smell compared with those who are not obese. A recent review highlights a possible link between obesity and olfaction. Obesity is a medical condition characterized by an excessive amount of body fat. It is a global issue that affects […]

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What to know about peritonsillar abscesses

What to know about peritonsillar abscesses

A peritonsillar abscess is a painful, pus-filled collection of tissue that forms in the back of the throat near one of the tonsils. Peritonsillar abscesses, also called quinsy, often appear as a result of tonsillitis. These abscesses are uncommon because doctors tend to treat strep throat and tonsillitis with antibiotics. In this article, we provide […]

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What are the signs of an upper respiratory infection?

What are the signs of an upper respiratory infection?

An upper respiratory infection, or the common cold, is an infection that affects the nasal passages and throat. Treatment is usually simple, unless a person also has a chronic respiratory condition such as asthma. For an upper respiratory infection (URI) to occur, a virus enters the body, usually through the mouth or nose. A person […]

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How can you clear up sinus congestion?

How can you clear up sinus congestion?

Sinus congestion occurs when a condition causes fluid to become trapped in the sinuses, making them feel blocked and painful. Many natural home remedies can help a person feel better, including hydration, steam inhalation, and applying a warm, wet towel to the face. A virus or cold is the most common cause of sinus congestion, […]

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What is herpes esophagitis?

What is herpes esophagitis?

Esophagitis is inflammation and irritation of the esophagus. The cause of esophagitis is usually acid reflux, but, rarely, it can also result from a herpes infection. The esophagus, or food pipe, is the tube that begins at the back of the throat and is part of the digestive system. It carries food and liquids from […]

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Tonsillectomy: Procedure and recovery

Tonsillectomy: Procedure and recovery

The tonsils, which form a protective ring around the back of the mouth and nasal cavity, are part of the immune system. A tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the tonsils, which is sometimes necessary to treat an underlying illness. The tonsils help catch germs, such as viruses and bacteria, and prevent them from […]