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How a dog can make it easier to manage diabetes

How a dog can make it easier to manage diabetes

Dogs can be great friends — they will offer unconditional love, joy, and company. But they can also support your health and well-being in other, more specific ways. Fresh evidence now suggests that dogs could help people with type 1 diabetes manage their condition with extra confidence. Our canine friends can ‘sniff out’ hypoglycemia, a […]

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Type 1 diabetes: Drawing nearer to treatment that generates new insulin cells

Type 1 diabetes: Drawing nearer to treatment that generates new insulin cells

Recent research has broken new ground in the quest for a type 1 diabetes treatment that generates insulin-making cells. New research furthers our understanding of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Scientists from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark and the Helmholtz Zentrum München in Neuherberg, Germany have mapped the signals that determine the destiny of […]

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How to treat diabetes

How to treat diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disorder in which the body does not produce or use insulin effectively. It is not curable for most people, but treatments include medication, lifestyle adjustments, and management of diabetes’ various complications. The main aim of diabetes treatment is to return blood sugar to a safe threshold and reduce the risk of […]

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What to know about type 1 diabetes

What to know about type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes requires lifelong treatment once it develops. The body does not produce enough insulin, and blood glucose levels remain high unless a person takes steps to manage high blood sugar. In the United States, an estimated 0.55 percent of adults have type 1 diabetes. This makes up around 5 percent of people with […]

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Who discovered insulin?

Who discovered insulin?

Insulin is central to the treatment of diabetes, as all types of diabetes occur due to the body’s inability to use blood sugar efficiently as a result of insufficient, ineffective, or nonexistent insulin supplies. The innovative scientists who discovered insulin won a Nobel prize, but the discovery also caused controversy. The discovery of insulin occurred […]

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Sweet options for people with diabetes

Sweet options for people with diabetes

One of the most challenging types of food for people with diabetes to find is dessert. Doctors will generally encourage people with diabetes to avoid sugars and carbohydrates. However, by making some simple nutritional changes, it is possible for people with diabetes to enjoy desserts. Desserts can be full of sugar and other simple carbohydrates, […]

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An overview of insulin

An overview of insulin

Insulin is a hormone that is responsible for allowing glucose in the blood to enter cells, providing them with the energy to function. A lack of effective insulin plays a key role in the development of diabetes. Hormones are chemical messengers that instruct certain cells or tissues to act in a certain way that supports […]

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Which foods help stabilize insulin and blood sugar?

Which foods help stabilize insulin and blood sugar?

The diet can play an essential role in managing diabetes. Understanding how certain foods affect insulin and blood sugar levels can help a person make informed choices about what to eat and when. A person with diabetes can eat a balanced, healthful diet without giving up on the foods they enjoy. The key tends to […]

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What are the best sweeteners for people with diabetes?

What are the best sweeteners for people with diabetes?

Low-calorie sweeteners, or sugar substitutes, can allow people with diabetes to enjoy sweet foods and drinks that do not affect their blood sugar levels. A range of sweeteners is available, each of which has different pros and cons. In this article, we look at seven of the best low-calorie sweeteners for people with diabetes. 1. […]

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Can people with diabetes eat potatoes?

Can people with diabetes eat potatoes?

People with diabetes need to be aware of their carbohydrate intake. Although potatoes are a starchy vegetable, it is still possible for a person with diabetes to enjoy them as part of a healthful diet. When a person eats, the body converts the carbohydrates and sugars into a simple sugar called glucose, which enters the […]