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Everything you need to know about smallpox vaccine scars

Everything you need to know about smallpox vaccine scars

Smallpox is a viral infection that causes a fever and severe skin rash. The early 20th century saw several smallpox epidemics, and the infection was fatal for about 3 out of 10 affected people. The infection left many people who survived smallpox with permanent scarring, frequently on their faces. Smallpox is an infection of the […]

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What to know about hair loss and Accutane

What to know about hair loss and Accutane

Accutane was a brand name of the drug isotretinoin, which healthcare providers used to prescribe for treating severe acne. This drug can cause a number of side effects, and some people have concerns that taking isotretinoin can lead to hair loss. Although Accutane is no longer available under that brand name, the active ingredient isotretinoin […]

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What causes itching after a shower?

What causes itching after a shower?

Many people enjoy taking a shower as part of their hygiene routine. However, if a person has uncomfortable, itchy skin after a shower, it can be anything but refreshing. Dry skin is often the cause of itching after taking a shower. The water from the shower can strip away the skin’s natural oils, causing dryness […]

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Is there a link between dandruff and hair loss?

Is there a link between dandruff and hair loss?

Dandruff itself does not cause hair loss, but the two may be linked. This is because some infections and medical conditions can cause both dandruff and hair loss. Dandruff is very common. People with dandruff and dandruff-like symptoms might lose hair, especially if the dandruff is severe. The cause of the hair loss is not […]

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Flu rash: Everything you need to know

Flu rash: Everything you need to know

The flu is a common respiratory infection, and its symptoms can range from mild to severe. Although a rash is not a common symptom of the flu, it can sometimes occur. There is evidence to suggest that certain types of flu may lead to a rash forming in some people. In other cases, another condition […]

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What medications cause hair loss?

What medications cause hair loss?

Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss. Many different factors contribute to this condition, including certain medications. Doctors refer to alopecia that occurs as a side effect of medication as drug-induced alopecia. Drug-induced alopecia can affect any part of the scalp or body. The extent and duration of hair loss depend on the medication […]

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Hair loss in children: What to know

Hair loss in children: What to know

Many adults expect to lose some hair as they age, but hair loss in children can cause alarm, especially when they become upset about bald spots or thin hair. However, hair loss in children is relatively common. Hair loss in children may have different patterns to adult hair loss. For example, androgenetic alopecia, or pattern […]

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Rosehip oil: Benefits and how to use it on the face

Rosehip oil: Benefits and how to use it on the face

Rosehip oil comes from the seeds of the rosehip fruit. Its rich antioxidant content suggests it may be useful for treating a number of skin conditions. As an oil, it may also have potential as a cleanser and makeup remover. Many skincare companies now offer rosehip oil either in its pure form or as an […]

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Can saw palmetto help with hair loss?

Can saw palmetto help with hair loss?

If you buy something through a link on this page, we may earn a small commission. How this works. Saw palmetto is a popular herbal remedy. Some people use it to reverse or prevent hair loss, but there is not yet enough scientific evidence to confirm that it is effective. Serenoa repens, or saw palmetto, […]

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Pitted keratolysis: What to know

Pitted keratolysis: What to know

Pitted keratolysis is a bacterial infection of the skin that affects the soles of the feet or the palms of the hands. People with physical jobs that require them to wear enclosed footwear for extended periods, such as those working as farmers or soldiers, may be more likely to develop the infection because bacteria thrive […]