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What to know about skin ulcers

What to know about skin ulcers

A skin ulcer is an open wound that develops on the skin as a result of injury, poor circulation, or pressure. Skin ulcers can take a very long time to heal. If left untreated, they can become infected and cause other medical complications. These ulcers can form on any area of the skin. Depending on […]

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Is my C-section scar OK?

Is my C-section scar OK?

Fever-like symptoms and inflammation around a cesarean delivery, or C-section, wound could be signs of infection. Keeping the wound clean and in a sterile environment can help reduce the risk of infection. Infections following a cesarean delivery, which some people call a C-section, are common. They occur in around 2–15 percent of all C-section surgeries. […]

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Which vitamins and minerals are good for acne?

Which vitamins and minerals are good for acne?

Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that causes pimples and other skin lesions. Some vitamins and minerals may help treat and prevent acne. Acne is a common condition that can affect anyone, but it often occurs during puberty. It develops when glands on the skin produce too much oil and become clogged with bacteria and […]

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What to know about dermatitis herpetiformis

What to know about dermatitis herpetiformis

Dermatitis herpetiformis is a skin rash that develops as a result of gluten sensitivity. About 10 percent of people with celiac disease also develop dermatitis herpetiformis. There is no cure for the condition, but people can reduce the symptoms with medicines and lifestyle changes. The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) consider dermatitis herpetiformis, or […]

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Home remedies for calluses

Home remedies for calluses

Calluses are hard, thick areas of skin that are often uncomfortable. They are rarely serious, and a number of simple home remedies can help reduce their appearance. Excessive pressure or rubbing can cause calluses to develop on almost any area of skin. Common locations for calluses include the feet, the fingertips, and the palms of […]

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10 foods rich in vitamin E

10 foods rich in vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble compound with antioxidant properties. Getting enough vitamin E is essential for the immune system, blood vessel health, and keeping the skin youthful. There are eight distinct forms of vitamin E, but researchers believe that only one type, alpha-tocopherol, helps meet human nutritional needs. Plenty of foods contain vitamin E, which […]

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How to tell if a penis rash is from HIV

How to tell if a penis rash is from HIV

Similarly to other viral infections, an early symptom of HIV is a rash that can appear anywhere on the body, including the penis. When HIV causes a rash, it appears as a flat red patch with small red bumps. Itchiness is the primary symptom of an HIV rash. HIV rashes typically appear on the upper […]

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Best 6 ways to relieve chapped lips

Best 6 ways to relieve chapped lips

Chapped lips, also known as cheilitis, is a common and uncomfortable issue. Home remedies can help get rid of chapped lips without drying them out further. The skin on the lips is much thinner and more delicate than that on other parts of the body. The lips are also exposed to the elements, including the […]

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Treatment and prevention of spider veins

Treatment and prevention of spider veins

Spider veins are small, damaged veins that can appear on the surface of the legs or face. They are usually not painful or harmful, but some people may wish to treat them for cosmetic reasons. Spider veins can be blue, purple, or red and may appear in the form of thin lines, webs, or branches. […]

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Can Noxzema help with eczema?

Can Noxzema help with eczema?

Noxzema is primarily a treatment for acne and pimples, but it may also help with symptoms of eczema. Eczema causes patches of dry, cracked, itchy skin, and sometimes fluid-filled blisters. There are many treatment options, which work in different ways — some aim to hydrate the skin, while others aim to reduce inflammation. Noxzema is […]