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Why do doctors underdiagnose these 3 conditions in women?

Why do doctors underdiagnose these 3 conditions in women?

International Women’s Day prompts us to celebrate women and womanhood. However, recent research suggests that women may face more than their fair share of challenges, including in receiving appropriate medical care. What are some of these challenges, and why do they occur? Why do women still have to fight to receive the correct diagnosis? Women […]

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How TV and breakfast may impact heart health

How TV and breakfast may impact heart health

Leading a sedentary lifestyle can be bad for our health. However, how much TV do we have to watch to negatively impact our cardiovascular health? Does eating a high-energy breakfast every morning affect our heart health? New research explores. Eating a breakfast rich in calories may keep heart disease at bay. Previous studies have linked […]

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How does smoking affect the body?

How does smoking affect the body?

Smoking cigarettes can have many adverse effects on the body. Some of these can lead to life-threatening complications. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), smoking cigarettes increases the risk of dying from all causes, not just those linked to tobacco use. Smoking cigarettes affects the respiratory system, the circulatory […]

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Being overweight or obese may improve stroke survival

Being overweight or obese may improve stroke survival

New research reveals that being overweight, obese, or severely obese may improve a person’s chances of surviving after a stroke. Being obese or overweight may have its advantages, suggests one new study. Obesity is a “serious medical condition” that can lead to various complications. These might include atherosclerosis and heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and even […]

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Can mouthwash raise your blood pressure?

Can mouthwash raise your blood pressure?

New research, published in the journal Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, shows that an antiseptic compound found in mouthwash destroys “friendly” oral bacteria that help maintain normal blood pressure levels. New research finds that mouthwash could destroy ‘friendly’ oral bacteria, which may have important consequences for a person’s cardiovascular health. Scientists know that the […]

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What are the best dietary sources of vitamin D?

What are the best dietary sources of vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a type of nutrient that the body produces when a person’s skin has exposure to direct sunlight. People can also consume vitamin D, but it is not naturally present in many foods. High quantities of vitamin D are present in oily fish and certain types of mushrooms. According to the Office of […]

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Sleep apnea: Daytime sleepiness might help predict cardiovascular risk

Sleep apnea: Daytime sleepiness might help predict cardiovascular risk

A recent study categorizing people with obstructive sleep apnea based on their differing symptoms found a strong link between excessive daytime sleepiness and cardiovascular disease. OSA increases hypertension risk. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) causes sporadic airflow blockages during sleep. All of the different types of sleep apnea, OSA is the most common. Symptoms include snoring, […]

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Blueberries may lower cardiovascular risk by up to 20 percent

Blueberries may lower cardiovascular risk by up to 20 percent

The phytochemicals that give blueberries their blue color can significantly improve cardiovascular health, finds a new two-part study. The positive effect that blueberries can have on blood pressure is comparable to that of hypertension drugs. Dubbed “the silent killer” because it has no visible symptoms in its early stages, hypertension affects approximately 1 in 3 […]

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Why sleep is good for your arteries

Why sleep is good for your arteries

Fresh evidence suggests that sleep regulates a mechanism that can help to protect arteries from hardening. The finding reinforces the notion that good-quality sleep is important for cardiovascular health. Sleep is integral to good health, and a new study delves into how it keeps our cardiovascular system healthy. Scientists from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in […]

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Hipertensión: Causas, síntomas y tratamientos

Hipertensión: Causas, síntomas y tratamientos

La hipertensión es una forma alternativa de denominar a la presión arterial elevada. Puede derivar en complicaciones graves e incrementar el riesgo de sufrir una cardiopatía, un accidente cerebrovascular y la muerte. La presión arterial se define como la fuerza que ejerce la sangre contra las paredes de los vasos sanguíneos. Esta presión depende del […]