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Breast cancer: Does stress fuel its spread?

Breast cancer: Does stress fuel its spread?

New research in mouse models shows that stress hormones can help breast cancer grow, spread, and diversify, which makes it harder to treat. A study in mice sheds light on the mechanisms through which stress can contribute to the spread of breast cancer. Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. In […]

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How chronic stress boosts cancer cell growth

How chronic stress boosts cancer cell growth

Having conducted a new study in mice, researchers now have a much better understanding of how chronic (long-term, sustained) stress can accelerate the growth of cancer stem cells. They may also have found a way to prevent stress from doing its damage. Researchers now know how chronic stress fuels the growth of cancer. Chronic stress, […]

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Diez causas comunes de la mastalgia

Diez causas comunes de la mastalgia

Las mujeres de todas las edades aseguran haber sufrido dolor en las mamas, lo que se conoce como mastalgia. El dolor puede aparecer antes o después de la menopausia. Sin embargo, es más común durante los años de reproducción. Cerca del 70 por ciento de las mujeres aseguran haber sufrido dolor en las mamas durante […]

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What does a lump in the left breast mean?

What does a lump in the left breast mean?

Lumps can occur in the left or right breast, or in both breasts. There are many types of breast lump, most of which are harmless. Doctors diagnose breast cancersmore often in the left breast than the right. That said, around 80 percent of breast lumps turn out to be noncancerous. A breast lump may appear […]

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New cell-tracking technique sheds light on breast cancer spread

New cell-tracking technique sheds light on breast cancer spread

A leading-edge genetic technique that can track cell lineage has revealed much about how breast cancer spreads. It could also help explain why some breast cancers relapse after initially successful chemotherapy. Researchers gain a better understanding of how breast cancer spreads thanks to ‘cellular barcoding.’ The name of the technique is cellular barcoding, and it […]

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Exercise boosts well-being by improving gut health

Exercise boosts well-being by improving gut health

Both bacterial diversity in the gut and regular exercise are important when it comes to health. But how are the two related? A new study uncovers the effect that exercise has on our health by adjusting the balance of the gut microbiome. New research finds out how exercise could support bacterial diversity in the gut. […]

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Breast cancer screening saved over 27,000 lives in 2018

Breast cancer screening saved over 27,000 lives in 2018

An analysis of mortality rates related to breast cancer from 1989 until 2018 indicates that breast cancer screening, paired with access to better treatment, has significantly improved the health outcome for women with this type of cancer over the past few decades. Since 1989, breast cancer-related death rates have fallen exponentially, primarily due to screening […]

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What to know about multifocal breast cancer

What to know about multifocal breast cancer

Multifocal breast cancer is a form of breast cancer in which multiple tumors arise in the same area of the breast. There are many types of breast cancer. The type and characteristics, including the number of tumors and where they are, can affect a person’s treatment and long-term outlook. This article covers information about multifocal […]

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Breast cancer: How fast does it spread?

Breast cancer: How fast does it spread?

People who have found a lump, have recently had their breast cancer diagnosed, or know someone who has may wonder how fast it can grow or spread. Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis among women in the United States. It is very hard to estimate how a person’s breast cancer will change over […]