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What to know about the CO2 blood test

What to know about the CO2 blood test

Doctors can check people’s blood for normal or abnormal carbon dioxide, or CO2, levels to help diagnose certain medical conditions. For example, a CO2 test can help diagnose kidney and respiratory problems. The CO2 test is a simple blood test that measures the amount of CO2 gas in a person’s blood. It is usually part […]

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Causes of swollen hands

Causes of swollen hands

Swelling happens when fluid builds up inside tissues. Numerous factors can cause it, including temperature change and underlying conditions. If swollen hands are due to a medical issue, treating it should resolve the swelling. A person may notice their fingers or hands appearing larger than usual. The skin may look puffy or shiny, and a […]

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5 causes of cold intolerance

5 causes of cold intolerance

People with cold intolerance frequently feel cold when other people are comfortable or even warm. Cold intolerance may only occur in certain parts of the body, such as the hands or feet. Some people naturally tend to feel colder than others, without any discernible cause. However, cold intolerance can also be a symptom of an […]

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What to know about a blood clot in the leg

What to know about a blood clot in the leg

A blood clot occurs when blood congeals. If this happens inside a person’s body, including their leg, it can cause severe problems. Some blood clots are especially dangerous as they can travel to a person’s lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism that can be fatal. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) note that the […]

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What to know about potassium deficiency symptoms

What to know about potassium deficiency symptoms

Potassium deficiency can occur if a person does not get enough potassium from their diet or loses too much potassium through prolonged diarrhea or vomiting. The symptoms depend on the severity of the deficiency but can include high blood pressure, constipation, kidney problems, muscle weakness, fatigue, and heart issues. Potassium is an essential nutrient that […]

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Bruised heels and how to treat them

Bruised heels and how to treat them

A bruised heel happens when an injury crushes blood vessels in the muscles and soft tissue of the heel. Repetitive movements and overuse injuries, such as from jogging in ill-fitting shoes, can cause this bruising. In most cases, elevation, ice, and rest can ease the pain. A bruise to the heel, sometimes called a heel […]

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What causes an abnormal EKG result?

What causes an abnormal EKG result?

An electrocardiogram, or EKG, is a simple test that doctors use to measure the electrical activity of the heart. This helps them look for underlying heart conditions. Sometimes, an abnormal EKG reading is actually just a normal variation in a person’s heart rhythm. In other cases, it may be due to an underlying condition of […]

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What to know about high potassium

What to know about high potassium

Hyperkalemia is a medical term for when a person has higher than normal levels of potassium. Usually, people with hyperkalemia do not have any symptoms, which makes it challenging for a doctor to diagnose. The leading causes of hyperkalemia are chronic kidney disease, uncontrolled diabetes, dehydration, having had severe bleeding, consuming excessive dietary potassium, and […]

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Home remedies for getting rid of hickeys

Home remedies for getting rid of hickeys

Hickeys, or love bites, are harmless. However, some people may find that they need to cover them or reduce their appearance. There are many home remedies a person can try to get rid of hickeys more quickly. A hickey is a temporary mark that can appear after someone sucks on another person’s skin. Hickeys occur […]

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IBD: New approach to symptom relief looks promising

IBD: New approach to symptom relief looks promising

Treatments that target inflammation directly don’t work for many people with inflammatory bowel disease. Now, new research suggests that blocking a protein involved in blood clotting could be a promising alternative. New research brings hope of a new treatment for people living with IBD. After studying genetic data from lots of people with inflammatory bowel […]