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Home remedies for fast back pain relief

Home remedies for fast back pain relief

Back pain is a common problem that can interfere with a person’s work and personal life. Fortunately, many home remedies exist to help relieve bothersome back pain. Lower back pain is a widespread problem, causing more global disability than any other condition. Up to 80 percent of adults will experience low back pain at least […]

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How do you get rid of a lower back spasm?

How do you get rid of a lower back spasm?

Lower back spasms can be annoying and painful, but they are treatable. Certain remedies and lifestyle changes can help reduce the pain and frequency of back spasms. Lower back spasms can happen suddenly, causing intense and even debilitating pain. Often caused by a recent physical injury, they are more likely to occur when a person […]

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Tending to the diaphragm may relieve chronic low back pain

Tending to the diaphragm may relieve chronic low back pain

Is treating the diaphragm the key to relieving chronic pain in the lower back? Researchers set out to investigate, conducting the first ever clinical trial to test the efficacy of special osteopathic techniques tending to the diaphragm for easing chronic low back pain. Osteopathic treatment that tends to the diaphragm may alleviate chronic low back […]

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How can disc desiccation be treated?

How can disc desiccation be treated?

The spine is made up of bones called vertebrae, in between which are small fluid-filled discs. Desiccation of those discs is a common disorder caused by the tissues becoming dehydrated. The discs between the vertebrae in the spinal column absorb shock and impact and prevent the bones from rubbing against each other. There are five […]

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Lower back pain and vaginal discharge: What to know

Lower back pain and vaginal discharge: What to know

Lower back pain and vaginal discharge can each develop for a wide range of reasons. These symptoms are common on their own. When they occur together, it can point to an underlying condition. In this article, learn about seven possible causes of lower back pain and vaginal discharge. We also explore risk factors and treatment […]

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Dry needling vs. acupuncture: What the research says

Dry needling vs. acupuncture: What the research says

Dry needling and acupuncture involve puncturing the skin with thin needles for therapeutic purposes. While a shared aim is to provide relief from pain, the practices are otherwise very different. Practitioners of dry needling attempt to release tension from knots and pressure points in muscles. Acupuncturists insert needles to release endorphins and affect the nervous […]

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What to know about hyperlordosis

What to know about hyperlordosis

Hyperlordosis is a condition in which there is an excessive spine curvature in the lower back. Hyperlordosis creates a characteristic C-shaped curve in the lower back, or lumbar region, where the spine curves inward just above the buttocks. It often occurs as a result of poor posture or a lack of exercise. In this article, […]

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Causes and treatment of lower back spasms

Causes and treatment of lower back spasms

There are many possible causes for lower back spasms, including poor posture, muscle overuse, and sprains and strains. People who experience recurring or worsening spasms or pain should see a doctor for an assessment. A lower back spasm usually feels like a muscle is firmly contracting or moving. However, it might also feel like a […]

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What is bursitis of the shoulder?

What is bursitis of the shoulder?

Bursitis of the shoulder is a painful inflammation in the shoulder joint. It is common, treatable, and often heals within months. Rest and gentle exercises can speed up recovery. Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursae. The bursae are small, fluid-filled sacs found near joints. They act as a cushion between moving parts in the […]