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How to manage a polyester allergy

How to manage a polyester allergy

A person with a polyester allergy may experience irritation, redness, and other symptoms when their skin comes into direct contact with polyester. The best way to treat this allergy is to avoid all fabrics containing polyester. Learn more here.

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What can cause red skin?

What can cause red skin?

Skin redness is often harmless, but can sometimes be a symptom of another condition. Possible causes of red skin include burns, infections, and allergic reactions. Learn more here.

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What can cause facial swelling?

What can cause facial swelling?

A person’s face can become swollen in response to injuries, allergic reactions, infections, and other medical conditions. Face swelling that occurs alongside other symptoms, such as breathing difficulties or rapid heartbeat, may indicate anaphylaxis, which requires immediate medical assistance. Learn more here.

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What to know about chicken allergies

What to know about chicken allergies

While fish and seafood often cause allergies, chicken meat allergies are less common. The symptoms can vary from mild to very severe. In some cases, chicken allergies are related to bird egg allergies, though they can also exist separately. Chicken allergies may be linked to other bird allergies. Learn more here.

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Can people be allergic to strawberries?

Can people be allergic to strawberries?

Strawberry allergies are less common than other allergies, but they do occur. Most allergic reactions to strawberries are mild, but they can occasionally be life-threatening for some people. In this article, we look at the symptoms of this allergy as well as the risk factors and diagnosis. We also cover foods to avoid.

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How do you use a suppository?

How do you use a suppository?

A suppository is a medication that is inserted into the rectum, vagina, or urethra to be broken down and absorbed by the body. Suppository uses include asthma, allergies, and pain. Suppositories are typically safe and effective. Learn more about how suppositories work, and follow a guide on how to use them, here.