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What to know about marijuana withdrawal

What to know about marijuana withdrawal

Whether they use marijuana for recreational or medicinal purposes, people can develop withdrawal symptoms when they stop using it. Marijuana, or cannabis, is the “most commonly used illicit drug in the United States,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In recent years, more states have legalized the recreational and medicinal use […]

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Cocaine addiction: Could targeting this brain circuit prevent relapse?

Cocaine addiction: Could targeting this brain circuit prevent relapse?

Recent revelations about a particular brain circuit could lead to more effective treatment of cocaine addiction, which has a high rate of relapse. The human brain contains many mysterious connections, and new research uncovers one such circuit that may explain cocaine addiction. The first thing that scientists at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania did […]

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Key brain area plays a crucial role in addiction

Key brain area plays a crucial role in addiction

New research finds that the cerebellum, a large part of the human brain that scientists thought was primarily involved in motor control, may play a key role in reward-seeking and social behaviors. The findings may help inform future therapies for treating addiction. New research suggests the brain’s cerebellum may explain addiction. Recent research has hinted […]

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Home remedies to ease a hangover

Home remedies to ease a hangover

A hangover can leave someone with fatigue, nausea, and muscle aches. People swear by certain hangover cures, but do home remedies really help? Drinking alcohol can cause fatigue, nausea, brain fog, and low mood the next day. People who are experiencing a hangover feel these symptoms partly because of the after-effects of drinking alcohol, including: […]

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Kratom: Everything you need to know

Kratom: Everything you need to know

Kratom is a plant that grows in Southeast Asia. Its leaves have psychotropic and opioid-like pain-relieving effects. People living in areas where kratom grows sometimes use it to treat diarrhea, pain, cough, and fatigue. People living in the United States have shown increasing interest in using this substance as an alternative to opioid pain relievers. […]

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What to know about oxycodone

What to know about oxycodone

Oxycodone is a type of pain-relieving medication that doctors may prescribe to help people manage moderate to severe pain. Oxycodone is an opiate (narcotic) analgesic. Opiate analgesics change how the brain and central nervous system respond to pain. These chemical changes stop a person from feeling pain in the same way as they did. This […]