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Uses of methylsulfonylmethane

Uses of methylsulfonylmethane

Methylsulfonylmethane, or MSM, is a naturally occurring compound in foods such as fresh vegetables, meat, and dairy products. MSM provides a source of natural sulfur, which plays a role in many of the body’s processes. People may consume MSM via supplements. Typically, MSM supplements contain a synthetic form of MSM. The primary uses for MSM […]

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Acupuncture may reduce menopause symptoms

Acupuncture may reduce menopause symptoms

A recent study concludes that just a relatively short course of acupuncture could significantly reduce some of the most unpleasant symptoms of menopause. Researchers put acupuncture to the test once again. Menopause typically begins in the sixth decade of life and continues for an average of 4–5 years. The symptoms of menopause can reduce overall […]

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This Japanese plant could hold the key to extended youth

This Japanese plant could hold the key to extended youth

In Japan, many have long believed that a plant called ashitaba is important in supporting a person’s health and well-being. Now, researchers are suggesting that a compound in this plant boosts cellular health and may prolong youth. Practitioners of traditional medicine in Japan have long touted ashitaba’s health benefits. New research suggests that they may […]

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Transcendental meditation can help treat PTSD

Transcendental meditation can help treat PTSD

Working with a cohort of young people with symptoms of PTSD and depression, researchers found that practicing transcendental meditation can help reduce or even reverse these symptoms. New evidence indicates that some types of meditation can successfully tackle mental health issues. Studies have shown that meditation practices can have a significant, positive effect on mental […]

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Home remedies for menstrual cramp relief

Home remedies for menstrual cramp relief

Many women report having abdominal or pelvic pain at the beginning of their menstrual cycle. This symptom can range in severity from mild discomfort that lasts 1 or 2 days to painful, debilitating cramps. Many home remedies can help a person get relief. During a period, the uterus contracts to squeeze the lining away from […]

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What to know about skin ulcers

What to know about skin ulcers

A skin ulcer is an open wound that develops on the skin as a result of injury, poor circulation, or pressure. Skin ulcers can take a very long time to heal. If left untreated, they can become infected and cause other medical complications. These ulcers can form on any area of the skin. Depending on […]

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Hemp oil benefits list

Hemp oil benefits list

Hemp oil can refer to a full-spectrum oil from the Cannabis sativa plant or hemp seed oil, which is oil that comes from just the seeds of the hemp plant. There is very little risk of intoxication from hemp oil as all forms of hemp oil come from food-grain strains of hemp. The authors of […]

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The best home remedies for arthritis

The best home remedies for arthritis

Arthritis is the term for a group of conditions that cause joint inflammation and pain. Although medical treatments can help, some home remedies and lifestyle changes may also reduce symptoms. In the United States, arthritis affects more than 50 million adults and 300,000 children. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis and related […]

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Just 8 weeks of yoga benefit rheumatoid arthritis

Just 8 weeks of yoga benefit rheumatoid arthritis

New research, published in the journal Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, finds that an 8-week regimen of intensive yoga eases both the physical symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and the psychological distress that usually accompanies the condition. Yoga may help those living with rheumatoid arthritis to achieve remission. Dr. Rima Dada, Ph.D., who is a professor in […]

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Removing plaque and tartar from teeth

Removing plaque and tartar from teeth

Plaque is a soft, sticky film that builds up on the outside of the teeth and along the gum line. A person can often prevent and treat plaque buildup at home. If a person does not practice good dental hygiene, plaque can turn into a hard yellow-brown substance called tartar. When people eat, bacteria in […]