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How to make saline solution

How to make saline solution

It is possible to make saline solution at home by mixing together certain amounts of salt and water. When prepared correctly, homemade saline solution is similar to distilled water. For this reason, it is safe to use in the nose as a sinus rinse and as an eye rinse. A person can also use saline […]

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How can you clear up sinus congestion?

How can you clear up sinus congestion?

Sinus congestion occurs when a condition causes fluid to become trapped in the sinuses, making them feel blocked and painful. Many natural home remedies can help a person feel better, including hydration, steam inhalation, and applying a warm, wet towel to the face. A virus or cold is the most common cause of sinus congestion, […]

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What is herpes esophagitis?

What is herpes esophagitis?

Esophagitis is inflammation and irritation of the esophagus. The cause of esophagitis is usually acid reflux, but, rarely, it can also result from a herpes infection. The esophagus, or food pipe, is the tube that begins at the back of the throat and is part of the digestive system. It carries food and liquids from […]

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Tonsillectomy: Procedure and recovery

Tonsillectomy: Procedure and recovery

The tonsils, which form a protective ring around the back of the mouth and nasal cavity, are part of the immune system. A tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the tonsils, which is sometimes necessary to treat an underlying illness. The tonsils help catch germs, such as viruses and bacteria, and prevent them from […]

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Is ear candling safe or effective?

Is ear candling safe or effective?

Ear candling is an unsafe and unproven practice during which a person inserts a lit candle into their ear. The heat from the candle is supposed to draw earwax and other impurities out of the ear. Proponents of ear candling claim that it can treat a number of conditions, ranging from earwax buildups to cancer. […]

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What is labyrinthitis?

What is labyrinthitis?

Labyrinthitis is an inner ear infection that can affect a person’s balance and hearing. It may occur when a cold, the flu, or a middle ear infection spreads to the inner ear. This article will cover the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of labyrinthitis. Causes Labyrinthitis can affect hearing and balance. The inner ear, also […]

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Why is my tongue burning?

Why is my tongue burning?

A burning tongue, or burning mouth syndrome (BMS), is a condition that causes a sensation of burning in the mouth. People with this condition often describe the burn as feeling similar to a hot drink scald. There are several known causes of BMS, but the reason for its onset can be unclear. The treatment will […]

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What causes a pimple in the nose?

What causes a pimple in the nose?

A pimple in the nose can be irritating and painful. Often, it results from a simple blocked pore or an ingrown nose hair. Other times, it can indicate a more severe condition, such as an infection. In this article, we look at the most common causes of a pimple inside the nose, and we suggest […]

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What to know about esophageal thrush

What to know about esophageal thrush

Esophageal thrush is a fungal infection of the esophagus or food pipe. Doctors sometimes call it esophageal candidiasis. The food pipe is the tube that connects the mouth and throat to the stomach. Although anyone can develop esophageal thrush, it is more common in people with weakened immune systems, especially those with HIV or AIDS. […]