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How do you stretch out your tailbone?

How do you stretch out your tailbone?

The tailbone, or coccyx, is at the bottom of the spine and helps to support the pelvis. It is possible to injure or fracture the tailbone, causing inflammation and pain. Persistent tailbone pain is known as coccydynia. The tailbone is triangular and consists of between three and five semi-fused bones. In humans, it is a […]

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Calcium-rich foods that vegans can eat

Calcium-rich foods that vegans can eat

Plenty of foods are rich in calcium, and many do not contain dairy. This may be good news, particularly for vegans and people who are lactose intolerant so cannot fully digest dairy products. Calcium is essential for general health. Most adults aged 19–50 require 1,000 milligrams (mg) of calcium per day, according to the National […]

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What is osteosarcoma?

What is osteosarcoma?

Osteosarcoma is a type of bone cancer. A person with osteosarcoma may feel many symptoms, including pain and swelling. Doctors do not know why some people develop osteosarcoma. The outlook is more favorable when the tumor has not spread. Osteosarcoma is a relatively rare type of cancer with around 800 to 900 new cases reported […]

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Omega-3-derived cannabinoid may stop cancer

Omega-3-derived cannabinoid may stop cancer

New research suggests that the body’s natural pain-killer, the “endocannabinoid system,” may also have cancer-fighting properties when “activated” by omega-3 fatty acids. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, avocado, and nuts. Our bodies have an “endogenous,” or “built-in,” pain-killing system named after the cannabis plant: the endogenous cannabinoid system, otherwise known as the […]

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How do you treat Haglund’s deformity?

How do you treat Haglund’s deformity?

Haglund’s deformity is a bony bump that appears on the back of the heel bone. This bump forms where the Achilles tendon attaches to the heel. The condition often needs treatment if it causes pain or walking problems. Treatments for Haglund’s deformity may initially include shoe modifications and physical therapy. If these do not relieve […]

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What to know about bone spurs

What to know about bone spurs

An exostosis, also called a bony spur or osteoma, occurs when a bony growth extend beyond a bone’s usual smooth surface. Exostosis can cause chronic pain or irritation, depending on its size and location. Sometimes, cartilage will grow over an area of exostosis, which is called osteochondroma. These bony outgrowths often occur in the ear […]

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What is overpronation?

What is overpronation?

When the arch of the foot collapses excessively downward or inward, this is known as overpronation. Sometimes, people call this condition flat feet. The way a person’s foot strikes the ground can have significant effects on their body. People with flat feet or who overpronate may be prone to more injuries than people with normal […]

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All you need to know about jaw popping

All you need to know about jaw popping

Jaw popping refers to a clicking sound from the jaw, which can be accompanied by sensations of pain. Sometimes jaw popping can arise from overextending the jaw, such as by opening the mouth too wide when yawning or eating. At other times, it results from problems in the functioning of the temporomandibular joints or the […]