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Latest CDC autism figures show 15 percent rise

Latest CDC autism figures show 15 percent rise

The latest analysis published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concludes that autism might be more prevalent than previously estimated. They are now calling for more effort to be made toward early detection. Is autism on the rise, or are we better at catching it? Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are conditions that affect […]

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How inflammation and gut bacteria influence autism

How inflammation and gut bacteria influence autism

A new study investigates the relationship between autism, the immune system, gastrointestinal issues, and gut bacteria. The story is a complex one with many questions still remaining unanswered, but this latest project adds insight. A new study examines the communication lines between gut and brain. Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) affect 1 in 68 children in […]

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What are the early signs of ADHD?

What are the early signs of ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a condition that affects behavior. It causes people to be hyperactive and impulsive. They may also be easily distracted and have difficulty concentrating or sitting still. Known as ADHD, the condition is a mental health disorder that affects both adults and children and is recognized by the American Psychiatric Association […]

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Autism: Anti-cancer drug may improve social behavior

Autism: Anti-cancer drug may improve social behavior

New research led by the State University of New York at Buffalo suggests that an anti-cancer drug may be able to reverse social impairments associated with autism. How might an anti-cancer drug help to treat the symptoms of autism? In a paper now published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, the investigators report how low doses […]

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How much of our empathy is down to genes?

How much of our empathy is down to genes?

When you’re going through a tough time, some people seem to know almost instinctively what you need, while others, although well-intended, may not be able to offer the emotional support you’re hoping for. Is this because the ability to empathize is innate, or down to our genetic inheritance? A new study investigates. Our ability to […]

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New blood test predicts autism with 92 percent accuracy

New blood test predicts autism with 92 percent accuracy

Researchers led by those from Warwick University in the United Kingdom have developed a diagnosis test for autism that may predict it with an unprecedented level of accuracy. A new test may help physicians to diagnose autism in young children. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a condition that impacts cognition, behavior, and social interaction. The […]

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Children with autism may benefit from being bilingual

Children with autism may benefit from being bilingual

In the first study of its kind, scientists show that bilingual children with autism spectrum disorders can switch mental gears more easily than those who can only speak one language. Being bilingual may improve cognitive flexibility in children with autism. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a growing concern in the United States, affecting an estimated […]

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Supplements during pregnancy may reduce autism risk

Supplements during pregnancy may reduce autism risk

Whether certain supplements, taken before or during pregnancy, can reduce the risk of autism is a hotly debated question. A new large-scale study takes a fresh look. Could taking supplements during pregnancy reduce autism risk? Autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs) are believed to affect 1 in 68 children in the United States, and their prevalence may […]

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Experimental drugs rewire brain connections in autism

Experimental drugs rewire brain connections in autism

New research from the University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas has identified two potential new treatments for autism spectrum disorder, targeting the impact of a faulty gene on neural communication. A new study has revealed that a gene linked with autism plays a different role than the one that had been accepted so far. Autism — […]

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The 10 best autism blogs

The 10 best autism blogs

People with autism, as well as their families and caregivers, are impacted uniquely by the disorder. We have chosen the best autism blogs that help to support families affected by autism, educate and inspire their readers, and provide high-quality information about the condition. Autism blogs feature information from autism experts and individuals with autism, as well […]