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Eight home remedies for bee stings

Eight home remedies for bee stings

A bee sting causes a painful, raised welt to form on the skin. This welt usually disappears after a few days without treatment, but some natural remedies can help to speed healing and reduce pain and swelling. Here, learn about the research behind home remedies for bee stings and when to see a doctor.

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Why are my eyebrows itchy?

Why are my eyebrows itchy?

Itchy eyebrows can be annoying, but they are rarely a cause for concern. Some people may also notice red, flaky skin or dandruff in the eyebrows. Common causes include skin conditions, allergic reactions, and diabetes. In this article, we look at the causes, symptoms, and treatments of itchy eyebrows.

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What to know about a watermelon allergy

What to know about a watermelon allergy

A watermelon allergy is rare, and symptoms include coughing, hives, and stomach cramping. A person can treat a mild allergic reaction with over-the-counter medication, but serious reactions may require emergency treatment. Learn more about an allergy to watermelon and how to handle it here.

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What causes patches of discolored skin?

What causes patches of discolored skin?

Patches of discolored skin have many possible causes, including birthmarks, pigmentation disorders, rashes, infections, and skin cancer. While not all causes are serious, some may require prompt diagnosis and treatment. Anyone who notices a new patch of discolored skin should see a doctor. Learn more here.

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What to do if a baby has an allergic reaction

What to do if a baby has an allergic reaction

Allergic reactions are common in babies and may occur as a result of irritants, bug bites, certain foods, or underlying skin conditions. Allergies can cause various rashes, including eczema, hives, and papular urticaria. In this article, learn how to identify different allergic reactions and when to see a doctor.

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How to get rid of an amoxicillin rash

How to get rid of an amoxicillin rash

A reaction to amoxicillin, a medication used to treat bacterial infections, causes an amoxicillin rash. A side effect of amoxicillin can be a rash that may be mild or severe. Treatment options include medication, applying oatmeal to the rash, and drinking plenty of water. Learn more about an amoxicillin rash here.

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Pollen allergy: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Pollen allergy: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Pollen allergies are a common but irritating problem for many people. There are different types of pollen, so people may experience symptoms at different times of the year depending on which plants affect them. Learn about the types of pollen allergies, symptoms, treatment, and home remedies in this article.