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What to know about the GGT test

What to know about the GGT test

Doctors use the GGT test to diagnose liver problems. Doctors will measure GGT if they suspect damage to the liver or bile ducts, chronic alcohol abuse, or certain bone diseases. In the GGT (gamma-glutamyl transferase) test, a healthcare professional measures the levels of GGT in a sample of blood. High levels of GGT in the […]

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What foods reduce testosterone?

What foods reduce testosterone?

Some foods, including soy, dairy, and specific fats, may lower testosterone levels in the body. However, a person can also increase testosterone levels naturally, by exercising regularly and maintaining a healthful weight. The food a person eats can affect many aspects of their health, not just their waistline. Food powers the cells and may affect […]

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Why might smoking and drinking alcohol raise the risk of osteoporosis?

Why might smoking and drinking alcohol raise the risk of osteoporosis?

Recent research has uncovered a cell mechanism that could help explain why smoking, alcohol, and other modifiable factors could raise the risk of developing the bone disease osteoporosis. Scientists find a cell mechanism that could explain why certain lifestyle factors, such as smoking, increase the risk of osteoporosis. The mechanism spurs a cell type in […]

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Is it safe to drink alcohol while taking prednisone?

Is it safe to drink alcohol while taking prednisone?

Prednisone is a synthetic form of adrenocortical steroid that doctors can prescribe to treat several different conditions. Prednisone can help balance hormones in people whose adrenal glands do not produce enough corticosteroids. It is also a powerful anti-inflammatory and can help treat diseases that cause inflammation, such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, and arthritis. Prednisone can […]

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What is liver fibrosis?

What is liver fibrosis?

Liver fibrosis occurs when repetitive or long-lasting injury or inflammation causes excessive amounts of scar tissue to build up in the organ. Most types of chronic liver disease can eventually cause fibrosis. Unlike healthy liver cells, scar tissue cells cannot self-repair or otherwise function. As a result of this, fibrosis can reduce overall liver function […]

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Is it safe to mix Flagyl and alcohol?

Is it safe to mix Flagyl and alcohol?

Drinking alcohol while taking Flagyl can cause serious side effects. Doctors and pharmacists advise people to avoid alcohol entirely while using the medication in any form, including oral Flagyl tablets and topical Flagyl creams. Flagyl is an antibiotic that treats many infections, including abdominal and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). While not all antibiotics interact with […]

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Can you drink alcohol with antibiotics?

Can you drink alcohol with antibiotics?

Many people believe that mixing alcohol and antibiotics is not safe. Is it dangerous? What are the risks of drinking alcohol while taking antibiotics? Antibiotics are drugs that target bacteria to treat and prevent infections. There are many types of oral antibiotic. Not all antibiotics interact with alcohol, and doctors give different recommendations about alcohol […]