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Can CBD oil help with migraines?

Can CBD oil help with migraines?

Cannabidiol oil may relieve pain and reduce inflammation, and it shows some promise as a treatment for migraines. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of over 120 substances in cannabis. It comes from the marijuana plant, but it contains only trace amounts, if any, of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the compound that produces a high. This means it has […]

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Could hemp help to beat ovarian cancer?

Could hemp help to beat ovarian cancer?

A group of researchers from Kentucky is dedicated to raising the profile of hemp and its potential health benefits. Following their preliminary studies, they conclude that it may help in the fight against ovarian cancer. Could hemp be the next best cancer treatment? Hemp and marijuana are in the same botanical family, but the former […]

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Fibromyalgia and chest pain: What is normal, symptoms, and treatment

Fibromyalgia and chest pain: What is normal, symptoms, and treatment

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition. A person will often experience pain, tenderness, and stiffness in many muscles, connective tissues, bones, and joints. While symptoms differ among people, many report intense, sharp, or stabbing pain in the chest and ribcage. When fibromyalgia causes inflammation of the cartilage that joins the upper ribs to the breastbone, it […]

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How do you stretch the latissimus dorsi?

How do you stretch the latissimus dorsi?

The latissimus dorsi is a large, flat muscle covering the width of the middle and lower back. It connects the bone of the upper arm to the spine and the hip. This muscle is often referred to as the lats. Pain in the latissimus dorsi is often caused by overuse, or it may be a […]

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What are the possible causes of vaginal dryness?

What are the possible causes of vaginal dryness?

Vaginal dryness is a common symptom experienced by women when they go through the menopause transition and possibly for many years after. However, vaginal dryness can happen at any age for several reasons. Vaginal dryness is the result of decreased levels of estrogen. Estrogen is the female hormone that keeps the lining of the vagina […]

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Why are my hands warm?

Why are my hands warm?

The hands change temperature for many reasons, and they may feel warm or cold at different times of the day. A person might be worried if their hands are always warm, or even hot. Several medical conditions can cause this symptom, and anyone concerned about a change in their hands should see a doctor. A […]

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What is a malar rash?

What is a malar rash?

A malar rash is a skin outbreak or eruption on the cheeks and the bridge of the nose. The rash is red or purple and may be either blotchy or solid in appearance. It is commonly known as a “butterfly rash” due to its distinctive butterfly shape. A malar rash may be flat or slightly […]

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‘Biomedical tattoo’ might catch cancer early

‘Biomedical tattoo’ might catch cancer early

Often, cancer goes undetected until its advanced stages, when treating it becomes very difficult and the outlook less promising. But researchers from Switzerland are developing an implant that could alert “wearers” to the presence of cancer early on. A biomedical tattoo that looks like a brown mole when it ‘lights up’ could alert its ‘wearer’ […]

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How inflammation and gut bacteria influence autism

How inflammation and gut bacteria influence autism

A new study investigates the relationship between autism, the immune system, gastrointestinal issues, and gut bacteria. The story is a complex one with many questions still remaining unanswered, but this latest project adds insight. A new study examines the communication lines between gut and brain. Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) affect 1 in 68 children in […]