What are the side effects of isoniazid, INH?


When isoniazid is broken down by the liver, one of the products is acetylhydrazine, a potent toxin for the liver. When taken over a long period of time at standard doses, isoniazid can cause important and even fatal liver injury (hepatitis) in approximately 1 out of every 100 patients. Isoniazid-associated hepatitis usually occurs during the first three months of treatment but can occur at any time during therapy or even many months after starting treatment. Elevated blood liver tests occur in between 1 in 20 and 1 in 10 patients. Usually, enzyme levels return to normal despite continuation of the isoniazid, but in some cases progressive liver damage and even death occurs.

The risk of developing hepatitis is age-related. It occurs in less than 1 per 1,000 patients under 20 years of age, 3 per 1,000 patients 20-34 years of age, 12 per 1,000 patients 35-49 years of age, 23 per 1,000 patients 50-64 years of age, and 8 per 1,000 patients over 65 years of age. The risk of hepatitis is increased by daily consumption of alcohol. Among individuals who complete a full course of prophylaxis (prevention of tuberculosis), the hepatitis-related death rate (mortality) is 23-58 patients per 100,000 patients, far lower than the frequency of hepatitis. The mortality rate among individuals who develop symptoms of isoniazid-induced hepatitis (not just minor abnormalities of liver tests) is approximately 10%. In one U. S. Public Health Service Surveillance Study involving 13,838 persons taking isoniazid, there were 8 deaths among 174 cases of hepatitis, a mortality rate of 5%.

There seems to be an increased risk of fatal hepatitis among women, particularly African-American and Hispanic women. The risk also may be increased during postpartum or immediately after pregnancy. Because of the risk of hepatitis, patients taking isoniazid should have their blood liver tests monitored monthly and should notify their physicians immediately if symptoms or signs of hepatitis arise. These symptoms and signs include:


Damage to nerves (peripheral neuropathy) may occur with isoniazid and cause numbness and tingling of the hands or feet (parethesia).

Other rare side effects related to the nervous system include:

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6), 10-50 mg/day, decreases the risk of neural side effects.

The rate at which isoniazid is eliminated by the liver is race-dependent. Thus, 60% of African Americans and whites eliminate isoniazid slowly compared with only 10%-20% of Asians. Individuals who eliminate isoniazid slowly are more prone to develop hepatitis and neural side effects with long-term use of isoniazid.

Other important side effects of isoniazid include: