What is mebendazole chewable, and how does it work (mechanism of action)?

Mebendazole is a member of the benzimidazole class of antiparasitic agents, which also includes thiabendazole, albendazole, and triclabendazole. Mebendazole, like other benzimidazoles, causes death of parasites by interfering with the function of tubulin, an important protein in parasites, and preventing glucose uptake. Mebendazole is active against tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms, threadworms, pinworms, pork worms, and whipworms. The FDA approved mebendazole in June 1974.

Is mebendazole chewable available as a generic drug?


Do I need a prescription for mebendazole chewable?


What are the side effects of mebendazole chewable?

Mebendazole may cause:

What is the dosage for mebendazole chewable?

Recommendations are based on the infecting organism being treated.

  • Initial dosing for some hookworm, roundworm, tapeworm, and whipworm infections is 100 mg twice daily for 3 days.
  • Initial dosing for pinworm infection is 100 mg as a single dose. The dose may be repeated in 2 to 3 weeks if needed.

Which drugs or supplements interact with mebendazole chewable?

Is mebendazole chewable safe to take if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

Adverse outcomes in animal studies have been observed. Adverse outcomes in human pregnancy have not been seen, however the Centers for Disease Control recommends postponing pinworm therapy until the third trimester when possible.

NURSING MOTHERS: While excretion into breast milk is unlikely, caution should be used since data is not available on excretion of mebendazole into breast milk.

What else should I know about mebendazole chewable?

What preparations of mebendazole chewable are available?

Chewable tablets: 100 mg

How should I keep mebendazole chewable stored?

Mebendazole should be protected from light and stored at room temperature, between 15 C to 30 C (59 F to 86 F).

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Medically Reviewed on 3/19/2019


Medically reviewed by John P. Cunha, DO, FACOEP; Board Certified Emergency Medicine


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