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Weight gain during period: What to know

Weight gain during period: What to know

Hormone levels fluctuate throughout the 28-day menstrual cycle. These changes can affect a person’s appetite and may also lead to fluid retention. Both factors can lead to perceived or actual weight gain around the time of a period. This article describes why a person may gain weight during a period, and how to prevent it. […]

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How to reduce food waste

How to reduce food waste

Food waste contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and wastes the water and other resources it takes to grow the food. While the average consumer is not a large environmental polluter compared to large corporations, finding ways to reduce food waste throughout the day can help a person avoid contributing to the problem. In this article, […]

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Are there symptoms for high blood pressure?

Are there symptoms for high blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the force of the blood against the walls of the arteries as it goes around a person’s body. Sometimes, it can become too high, which can be dangerous. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), roughly 1 out of 3 adults in the United States have high blood pressure […]

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Are some makeup ingredients toxic?

Are some makeup ingredients toxic?

The following sections look at makeup ingredients that may have toxic effects. People may wish to avoid products that contain these chemicals. Talc Share on PinterestCertain chemicals in makeup may cause health issues. In 2019, the FDA advised consumers to avoid using certain cosmetic items due to them testing positive for asbestos. These items contained […]

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Diabetes and anxiety: What is the link?

Diabetes and anxiety: What is the link?

Many people with diabetes also experience anxiety, and they may wonder whether there is a link between the two conditions. Diabetes and anxiety are both among the leading causes of disability in developed countries around the world. In the United States alone, anxiety affects close to 40 million adults. Diabetes is also common, with about […]

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Retinitis Pigmentosa (For Parents)

Larger text sizeLarge text sizeRegular text size What Is Retinitis Pigmentosa? Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a genetic condition that leads to vision loss over time. A person first loses their night vision, then their daytime vision. Often, people with RP have other eye problems that affect vision, such as cloudy lenses (cataracts) or swelling of […]

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What is a heavy metal detox?

What is a heavy metal detox?

Having an excess amount of heavy metals can negatively affect the human body. Some foods and medicines can help remove heavy metals from the body. Using such substances for this purpose is known as a heavy metal detox. Having small amounts of some heavy metals, such as iron and zinc, is essential for a healthy […]

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How fish oil might reduce inflammation

How fish oil might reduce inflammation

Recent research has revealed a mechanism through which fish oil, which contains omega-3 fatty acids, might reduce inflammation. A study that tested an enriched fish oil supplement found that it increased blood levels of certain anti-inflammatory molecules. Share on PinterestA new study sheds light on the inflammation-reducing properties of fish oil supplements. The anti-inflammatory molecules […]

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Same-sex sexual behavior in animals: Do we have it all wrong?

Same-sex sexual behavior in animals: Do we have it all wrong?

Many animals, from a range of phyla and species, display same-sex sexual behaviors. This has intrigued evolutionary biologists, but have they been looking at the subject all wrong? Share on PinterestResearchers suggest a new way of looking at same-sex sexual behavior in animals. Over the years, researchers have discovered that many animals sometimes engage in […]

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Drumming makes your brain more efficient

Drumming makes your brain more efficient

Over years of practice, drummers appear to modify the way that the two sides of their brain communicate. According to a recent study, the cabling that runs between the two hemispheres of a drummer’s brain is significantly different from non-musicians. Share on PinterestA recent study hunts for brain changes associated with playing the drums. Playing […]