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Tips to improve posture

Tips to improve posture

Posture is the positioning of the body when a person is sitting, standing, lying down, or performing different tasks. Researchers have linked bad posture with some uncomfortable health conditions and a high risk of injury, especially during exercise. Having good posture is very important. Poor body positioning and alignment can cause various health problems, such […]

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What to know about deep sleep

What to know about deep sleep

Slow wave sleep, also called deep sleep, is an important stage in the sleep cycle that enables proper brain function and memory. While most adults are aware that they should aim for between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night, the science of sleep is quite complex. The two main categories of sleep are […]

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What to know about betamethasone

What to know about betamethasone

Betamethasone is a corticosteroid that doctors use to treat skin conditions that cause inflammation and itchiness. People can use injectable or topical betamethasone. Betamethasone is available in different formulations, which range in potency from medium to super potent. Doctors will choose the most suitable betamethasone product for a person depending on their skin condition and […]

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Is coffee bad for the heart or not?

Is coffee bad for the heart or not?

Studies on coffee consumption variously claim that coffee harms the arteries, that it protects the heart, or that it has no effect on cardiovascular health. New research on thousands of participants weighs in again on the link between this favorite beverage and heart health. New findings suggest that even heavy coffee drinkers may have nothing […]

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Low-amp electroconvulsive therapy may relieve suicidal thoughts

Low-amp electroconvulsive therapy may relieve suicidal thoughts

New research compares lower amplitude electroconvulsive therapy with standard amplitude for the treatment of suicidal ideation and finds that the former relieves suicidal thoughts without affecting cognitive or memory function. Suicidal ideation primarily tends to affect individuals aged between 10 and 34 years. In 2017, there were more than 47,000 cases of suicide in the […]

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Type 2 diabetes: High-intensity exercise may restore heart function

Type 2 diabetes: High-intensity exercise may restore heart function

Type 2 diabetes can sometimes result in a loss of heart function. However, the results of a new study suggest this function may be recovered through high-intensity exercise. High-intensity exercise can protect the hearts of those living with type 2 diabetes, new research suggests. Around 90–95% of the 30 million people in the United States […]

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Sleep-Deprived Teens More Prone to Unsafe Sex: Study

Sleep-Deprived Teens More Prone to Unsafe Sex: Study

Latest Sexual Health News MONDAY, June 3, 2019 (HealthDay News) — Parents, here’s another reason your teenager should get enough sleep: A new study suggests tired teens may be more likely to have unsafe sex. Researchers analyzed data collected from 1,850 teens in Southern California between 2013 and 2017. The participants were 16 in 2013. […]