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What to know about psoriatic spondylitis

What to know about psoriatic spondylitis

Psoriatic spondylitis is the medical term for a type of psoriatic arthritis that affects the spine and the joints in the pelvis. The symptoms may develop anywhere between the pelvis and the neck. People with psoriatic spondylitis may experience pain, inflammation, and stiffness in their neck and lower back. It can also affect the sacroiliac […]

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Stelara vs. Humira: What’s the difference?

Stelara vs. Humira: What’s the difference?

Stelara and Humira are two biological medicines that doctors use to treat immune system conditions. They have different effects on the body and some different benefits and risks. Biological medicines, or biologics, are a class of drugs composed of naturally occurring molecules, such as sugars and proteins. Some biologics contain living cells or tissues. Manufacturers […]

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What can cause a sensitive breast?

What can cause a sensitive breast?

Breast sensitivity is not necessarily harmful, and there are several different potential causes. However, sensitivity can sometimes be a sign of an underlying condition. The breasts are complex structures that change as a result of monthly hormonal shifts, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and aging. Many people experience breast sensitivity, which can increase the likelihood of breast pain. […]

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Hand pressure points: Everything you need to know

Hand pressure points: Everything you need to know

The human body contains a lot of pressure points, and some people believe that pressing on these points can affect other parts of the body and overall health. There is limited research to support the use of pressure points to help a person heal. However, there is much more research about the use of acupuncture, […]

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CBD for acne: Does it work?

CBD for acne: Does it work?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a natural compound present in the Cannabis sativa plant. It is only one of over 100 compounds in cannabis, but it has many potential health benefits. Can CBD oil also treat acne? Acne can be a source of irritation for people of all ages, and new natural ways to fight acne […]

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Lysine for cold sores: Does it work?

Lysine for cold sores: Does it work?

Cold sores are tiny blisters that appear either in the mouth or on the lips. Some people use lysine, which is an essential amino acid, to help treat or prevent cold sores, but does it work? A virus causes cold sores, so a doctor will typically prescribe antiviral medications to help treat an outbreak. They […]

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What to know about mustard oil

What to know about mustard oil

Mustard oil comes from the seeds of mustard plants. It is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which appear to reduce the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease. However, cooking with the oil may pose a serious risk, especially for children. People have long used mustard oil in cooking and alternative medicine. It is common in Asian, […]

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How to treat a dislocated finger

How to treat a dislocated finger

A dislocated finger occurs when a finger bone slips out of its joint. Sports injuries, falls, and accidents can cause a finger or thumb to dislocate. Dislocating a finger or thumb can be extremely painful and distressing. Although dislocation is not a life-threatening emergency, it is still important to seek prompt medical attention. This article […]

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Parkinson’s: Study reveals how cancer drug reduces toxic protein in brain

Parkinson’s: Study reveals how cancer drug reduces toxic protein in brain

Laboratory and animal studies have suggested that the leukemia drug nilotinib could alleviate symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Now, using early results from a clinical trial in humans, scientists have worked out how the drug reduces toxic protein and raises dopamine levels in the brain. New research explains how a cancer drug increases levels of the […]

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Is high blood pressure always bad?

Is high blood pressure always bad?

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a risk factor for several health conditions, including cardiovascular problems, diabetes, and other metabolic issues. However, is high blood pressure always a cause for concern? New findings question that assumption. Having high blood pressure may sometimes have a protective effect. Up to 75 million adults in the United States […]