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Gold nanoparticles could destroy prostate cancer

Gold nanoparticles could destroy prostate cancer

In an ongoing clinical trial, researchers are using gold nanoparticles to target prostate cancer cells. So far, the results are promising, and side effects are relatively minimal. Nanotechnology may help improve prostate cancer treatment and reduce side effects. Prostate cancer affects around 1 in 9 men in the United States. Due to its high prevalence, […]

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Reversing hearing loss by regrowing hairs

Reversing hearing loss by regrowing hairs

Humans are unable to reverse the effects of hearing loss, but a biological process found in other animal species may hold the key to reversing this widespread problem. Reversing hearing loss is currently impossible. How the brain interprets sounds is a relatively simple process. First, a sound enters the ear via soundwaves. It then moves […]