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What’s the link between cold weather and the common cold?

What’s the link between cold weather and the common cold?

Many people associate cold weather with the common cold. While the weather is not directly responsible for making people sick, the viruses that cause colds may spread more easily in lower temperatures, and exposure to cold and dry air may adversely impact the body’s immune system. In this article, we examine the relationship between cold […]

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Does lavender really help with anxiety?

Does lavender really help with anxiety?

Traditional folk medicine maintains that the smell of some plants can calm the nerves. Now, new research is suggesting that one fragrant compound present in lavender can lessen anxiety by stimulating the nose to pass signals to the brain. New research brings scientific proof that lavender relieves anxiety by affecting the brain through smell. Investigators […]

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How you breathe may affect your memory

How you breathe may affect your memory

According to a team of Swedish-based researchers, breathing through the nose may help memory storage and consolidation. These findings are published in The Journal of Neuroscience. The way we breathe affects our memory in mysterious ways. Recently, neuroscientists have been scrutinizing the link between smell and memory. Some have suggested that a damaged sense of […]

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Why is my tongue burning?

Why is my tongue burning?

A burning tongue, or burning mouth syndrome (BMS), is a condition that causes a sensation of burning in the mouth. People with this condition often describe the burn as feeling similar to a hot drink scald. There are several known causes of BMS, but the reason for its onset can be unclear. The treatment will […]

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Stressed at work? Transcendental meditation may help

Stressed at work? Transcendental meditation may help

People who practice meditation often hail it as a fix for anything from anxiety to physical pain. Indeed, some studies suggest that it may improve our sense of well-being. Now, new research finds that one type of meditation — transcendental meditation — can relieve stress and boost emotional intelligence. Transcendental meditation can help you feel […]

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Immunotherapy successful against deadly breast cancer

Immunotherapy successful against deadly breast cancer

A recent clinical trial could change the face of therapy for a very aggressive and stubborn form of breast cancer: triple-negative. A combination of chemotherapy and immunotherapy boosts survival rates, the scientists found. A new clinical trial confirms that immunotherapy can help prolong the life of people with triple-negative breast cancer. Triple-negative breast cancer is […]