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Crohn’s mouth ulcers: What to know

Crohn’s mouth ulcers: What to know

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that mainly causes symptoms in the digestive tract. However, some people experience symptoms elsewhere, including mouth ulcers. Doctors call mouth ulcers and other symptoms outside of the digestive tract extra-intestinal manifestations of Crohn’s disease. Some people develop mouth ulcers several years before they experience any intestinal symptoms due […]

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Thyroid Nodules

Thyroid Nodules

How are thyroid nodules diagnosed? Will they take a biopsy? Thyroid nodules usually are discovered by the health care professional during routine physical examination of the neck. Occasionally, a patient may notice a nodule as a small lump in their neck when looking in the mirror. Once a nodule is discovered, a physician will carefully […]

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FDA Approves Third of New Migraine Drugs

FDA Approves Third of New Migraine Drugs

By Deborah BrauserWebMD Health News Sept. 28, 2018 — The FDA has approved the third of a new type of drug to prevent migraine headaches in adults. Latest Migraine News Galcanezumab-gnlm (Emgality) targets calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), a molecule that’s produced in nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord. The FDA approved two other […]