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Coping with menopausal hot flashes and night sweats

Coping with menopausal hot flashes and night sweats

Many people experience hot flashes and night sweats during menopause and perimenopause. People can reduce or prevent these uncomfortable symptoms in a number of ways. Hot flashes are sudden feelings of heat that spread mainly through the face, neck, and chest. Night sweats happen when hot flashes occur at night. Up to 85 percent of […]

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Tinnitus: Mindfulness may succeed where other treatments fail

Tinnitus: Mindfulness may succeed where other treatments fail

New findings add to evidence that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy may help people with tinnitus — particularly those who have tried other treatments but to no avail. Tinnitus is often characterized by an incessant ringing sound in the ears. In tinnitus, a person hears noises even though there is no external source for the sound. Approximately […]