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What are hand cramps?

What are hand cramps?

Hand cramping can occur for many reasons and cause significant discomfort in some people. Often, hand cramps are caused by muscle spasms, which are described as an uncontrollable or involuntary muscle contraction. These spasms or contractions do not allow the muscle to become relaxed and can become excruciating in some cases. Fast facts on hand […]

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What is neck cracking and why does it happen?

What is neck cracking and why does it happen?

The term “cracking” when referring to neck cracking is the popping sound that occurs when quick motions loosen the joint and ligaments in the neck. Any joint can be “cracked,” and it is common for people to also crack their knuckles, lower back, hips, ankles, and toes. People often do this themselves, although it can […]